6.12 DMV Action Day

6.12 DMV Action Day On June 12, the 3rd anniversary of the start of mass protests in Hong Kong, DC4HK will organize a DMV Action Day and hand out flyers at the Lincoln Memorial. The flyers will update on Hong Kong’s dire political situation and include actions items for individuals to take to continue supporting Hong Kong. Please join us in taking action, and creating a much-needed change for our bothers and sisters back home. Date: June 12th (Sunday) ⏰Time: 1PM - 2:30PM Venue: Lincoln Memorial Source: #反送中三周年 #US #washington



【10.1 Students For Hong Kong Action Day】

【10.1 Students For Hong Kong Action Day】 Students from 40+ schools across the world are taking various actions to raise awareness for Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hongkongers, and other oppressed groups under the Chinese authoritarian regime. Thank you all students groups and individual students for signing up and participating in the Action Day! Thanks all local groups and everyone for supporting and helping spread the word! IG @students4hk #StudentsForHongKong #Students4HK #十一国殇 #全球抗共 #US #Canada #UK #日本 #Australia #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #rally #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡 #march


毋忘612  香港人集会

毋忘612  香港人集会 一息尚存 抗争到底 Remembering 612 Hongkongers’ rally Fight until the last breath #612三周年 #集会 #UK #Wales Date: 12th June 2022 (Sunday) Time: 4pm Venue: Senedd, Pierhead St, Cardiff CF99 1SN 2019年6月12日,是每个拥抱自由民主价值的香港人,不能忘记的重要日子。透过「记忆」、「聆听」、「反思」,让我们重新凝聚,共同寻索香港的未来。 12th June 2019 is a significant day that every Hongkonger who embraces the values of freedom and democracy never forget. Through "remembering", "listening", and "reflecting", let us reunite and explore the future of Hong Kong together. 欢迎所有爱好自由民主、及关心香港的人一同参加! All people who embrace freedom and democracy and care about Hong Kong are welcome to join us! Source:


DMV Hongkongers’ Schedule|AUG, SEP

DMV Hongkongers’ Schedule|AUG, SEP 由今个月开始,@dc4hk 将定期公布「#DMV港人活动日程表」,方便大家参考喺DMV地区举办嘅社区聚会以及示威游行等等嘅活动资讯。以下系我地八月、九月嘅活动: 8.31 Third Anniversary Action DC4HK will be projecting scenes of the 8.31 attack in the DMV area DMV Labor Day x Mid-Autumn Gathering September 3rd (12NN-5PM) Nottoway Park (9537 Courthouse Road, Vienna, VA 22181) stay tuned to Hong Kong snacks, lantern riddles, football, volleyball, and more!! Registration: 华府台湾同乡会:Taiwan Yes! 台湾夜市 September 10th (11:30AM-3PM) TECRO Cultural Center (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD 20878) DC4HK will be selling Hong Kong-style curry fishballs! Details: #在美港人 #US #海外活动 #日程表 #毋忘831



ACTION ANNOUNCEMENT 初选无罪全球声援47人案联合行动 “NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47” Global Joint Actions 香港 #47人初选案 已审讯逾月,大部分被告更不获保释,还押超过两年。全球港人将于下周末发起联合行动以作声援,望唤起社会关注香港47人初选案。 美国陆续有城市加入全球升声援行动,以下是三藩市及纽约的行动时间: Here are the times of action in San Francisco and New York: 三藩市 Union Square: April 15, 2023, 11 AM-12 PM PT 纽约 Washington Square Park: April 16, 2023, 2-3 PM ET SF Action: Global campaign TG channel: #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #初选无罪 #释放政治犯 #海外活动 #外国港人势力 #默站


October 1st|Global Day of Action DC Protest

October 1st|Global Day of Action DC Protest Thank you to the 100 community members and allies for joining us in front of the White House for our Global Day of Action protest today! We will always persist and resist, and it’s time that the international community take concrete actions to support our struggles for freedom! Posted by @dc4hk credits @resistance.hk #US #Washington #十一港殇 #贺佢老母 #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光 #香港独立唯一出路


February 3rd - Global Day of Action

February 3rd - Global Day of Action Join us at North Cal or South Cal!! Source: IG @hksfbayarea #NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #NoRightsNoGames #StopUyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom

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