DMV Hongkongers’ Schedule|AUG, SEP
DMV Hongkongers’ Schedule|AUG, SEP 由今个月开始,@dc4hk 将定期公布「#DMV港人活动日程表」,方便大家参考喺DMV地区举办嘅社区聚会以及示威游行等等嘅活动资讯。以下系我地八月、九月嘅活动: 8.31 Third Anniversary Action DC4HK will be projecting scenes of the 8.31 attack in the DMV area DMV Labor Day x Mid-Autumn Gathering September 3rd (12NN-5PM) Nottoway Park (9537 Courthouse Road, Vienna, VA 22181) stay tuned to Hong Kong snacks, lantern riddles, football, volleyball, and more!! Registration: 华府台湾同乡会:Taiwan Yes! 台湾夜市 September 10th (11:30AM-3PM) TECRO Cultural Center (901 Wind River Lane, Gaithersburg, MD 20878) DC4HK will be selling Hong Kong-style curry fishballs! Details: #在美港人 #US #海外活动 #日程表 #毋忘831

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