
香港明天更好 Ravish designer ig @harcourtromanticist At the midnight on 1st of July 1997, the then colonial Hong Kong was formally transferred from the Britain to Communist China. At the time, we were promised 50 years of autonomy, freedom and peace. Today marks the 25th year since the handover. In the name of national security, the Chinese Communist Party seized absolute control of Hong Kong, crushing what is left of the diminishing voices for freedom since 2019. Better or worse, is there still a tomorrow for Hong Kong? ‘Hong Kong people are to run Hong Kongthat is the promise, and that is the unshakable destiny.’ – Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong, 1997 #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一



The tragedy of Hong Kong we all saw it coming, but no one could

The tragedy of Hong Kong we all saw it coming, but no one could have done anything to stop China. 27 years have passed since the 1997 handover. It becomes evident that the erosion of Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy is inevitable as China tightens its grip on the city, discarding the promise of «One Country, Two Systems». Hong Kong was never given the right to decide on its own future. Here’s what happened. Posted by @standwithhk_ #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #七一沦陷日 #香港沦陷日 #港殇



永远唔会忘记几年前喺在香港嘅演唱会,全场一齐屌都冇事!都好庆幸之前喺香港拍呢一首MV嘅时候仲捕捉得到香港嘅特色。宜家已经改变咗太多... Today marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. All the best to the people of Hong Kong! Posted by Namewee 黄明志 #广东话 #珍宝海鲜舫 #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港


Panorama has spent the last year with young journalists and prot

Panorama has spent the last year with young journalists and protestors as they live through the most turbulent period in Hong Kong's recent history. When the British government transferred sovereignty back to China in 1997, it promised to protect freedom of speech, but new laws have effectively silenced all criticism. Street protests have all but stopped, pro-democracy lawmakers have been replaced by Beijing loyalists and Hong Kong's new chief executive is its former security chief, who led the crackdown. Reporter Danny Vincent has been following those who've lived through the street protest movement, both as activists and reporters, many of whom are now in prison. Link to BBC: (香港地区需要VPN观看) #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港 #香港大监狱



身在前线的乌克兰军人,高举著香港人的光时旗,以示对香港手足的支持! IG @ldlu_official // To mark the 4th anniversary of Hong Kong Way, our activists at the frontline and their sworn brothers wish to express solidarity with all Hongkongese freedom-seekers oppressed by the hostile regime of the Chinese Communist Party. The latest persecution development in Hong Kong showed that the CCP regime fears any manifestation of Hong Kong's freedom while trying to silence even those who keep fighting from exile. But history teaches that an oppressor always fails. // 加油! We connect! #ukraine #StandWithUkraine #PrayForUkraine #WeConnect


A new artwork entitled, "Hong Kong 7125 Cake" to mourn the 25th

A new artwork entitled, "Hong Kong 7125 Cake" to mourn the 25th anniversary of CCP annexation of Hong Kong - designer ig @kaceywong #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港


主权被逼移交日示威Anti-CCP Demonstration on Forced Sovereignty Handover D

主权被逼移交日示威 Anti-CCP Demonstration on Forced Sovereignty Handover Day of Hong Kong Date: July 1st (Sat) Time: 3PM Location: Washington Square Park (near the arch, near 5th Ave & Washington Sq North) Join us for a demonstration and to build a Lennon Wall to express our voices. Source: @ny4hk #US #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一

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