On the 25th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong.

On the 25th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong. Speech by UK Prime Minister Posted on twitter @10DowningStreet #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港



A new artwork entitled, "Hong Kong 7125 Cake" to mourn the 25th

A new artwork entitled, "Hong Kong 7125 Cake" to mourn the 25th anniversary of CCP annexation of Hong Kong - designer ig @kaceywong #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港


When the UK handed Hong Kong back to China 25 years ago, the las

When the UK handed Hong Kong back to China 25 years ago, the last words of the departing British Governor to the people of the territory were: 'Now Hong Kong people are to run Hong Kong. That is the promise. And that is the unshakeable destiny'. Sarah Montague speaks to Lord Patten, the man who made that pledge, to ask if that promise has been broken and if the UK could have done more to honour it? Link to BBC: #LordPatten #肥彭 #彭定康 #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港



永远唔会忘记几年前喺在香港嘅演唱会,全场一齐屌都冇事!都好庆幸之前喺香港拍呢一首MV嘅时候仲捕捉得到香港嘅特色。宜家已经改变咗太多... Today marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. All the best to the people of Hong Kong! Posted by Namewee 黄明志 #广东话 #珍宝海鲜舫 #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港


Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Sie

Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege” Marking the 2nd anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege”, Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong will be Joint with Justitia Hong Kong to hold a rally in memorial of the incident and we would like to make use of art displays in this event to explain to the local community the the impact of this incident caused to Hongkongers, why hongkongers lost their trust in Hong Kong police force along side with reason behind why we continue fighting against the totalitarian government and the downfall of Hong Kong. Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong 将于「大学保卫战」事件2周年的日子联同暖气军师撑香港一同协办集会活动,并希望借着是次集会活动向英国当地市民解释香港人渐渐对香港警察更加不满的原因,并且解释香港抗争运动的原因,坚持的信念和理由。 Details as below 活动详情如下: Date 日期: 21 November 2021 (Sun) Time 时间: 1400-1600 Venue 地点: Church street, Liverpool Source: IG @liverpoolstandswithhk #liverpool #hongkonger #freedomfighter #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #liverpoolstandswithhk #battleofcuhk #siegeofpolyu #理大围城 #抗争两年


【Hong Kong Policy Act Report 2023】

【Hong Kong Policy Act Report 2023】 Last Friday, the State Department released its annual Hong Kong Policy Act Report. The report, which covers political changes in Hong Kong from April 2022 through January 2023, concludes that Beijing has used the National Security Law (NSL) to severely curtail freedoms in Hong Kong. Supplementing this research on political prosecutions and the rule of law, the US Consulate in Hong Kong is also maintaining a database of NSL-related arrests, which can be accessed here: Posted by #US #香港政策法 #打压人权 #消失的民主自由 #国安法 #政治犯 #以言入罪 #荒谬法治


The tragedy of Hong Kong we all saw it coming, but no one could

The tragedy of Hong Kong we all saw it coming, but no one could have done anything to stop China. 27 years have passed since the 1997 handover. It becomes evident that the erosion of Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy is inevitable as China tightens its grip on the city, discarding the promise of «One Country, Two Systems». Hong Kong was never given the right to decide on its own future. Here’s what happened. Posted by @standwithhk_ #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #七一沦陷日 #香港沦陷日 #港殇

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