
永远唔会忘记几年前喺在香港嘅演唱会,全场一齐屌都冇事!都好庆幸之前喺香港拍呢一首MV嘅时候仲捕捉得到香港嘅特色。宜家已经改变咗太多... Today marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. All the best to the people of Hong Kong! Posted by Namewee 黄明志 #广东话 #珍宝海鲜舫 #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港




香港明天更好 Ravish designer ig @harcourtromanticist At the midnight on 1st of July 1997, the then colonial Hong Kong was formally transferred from the Britain to Communist China. At the time, we were promised 50 years of autonomy, freedom and peace. Today marks the 25th year since the handover. In the name of national security, the Chinese Communist Party seized absolute control of Hong Kong, crushing what is left of the diminishing voices for freedom since 2019. Better or worse, is there still a tomorrow for Hong Kong? ‘Hong Kong people are to run Hong Kongthat is the promise, and that is the unshakable destiny.’ – Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong, 1997 #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一


即使离开香港, 我哋相信有啲真香港人嘅价值需要坚守.

即使离开香港, 我哋相信有啲真香港人嘅价值需要坚守. 约定各位曼城手足 2024 年7月1日 St Peter’s Square 集会见! To uphold our true Hong Kong values, HongKongers let’s meet on 1st July 2024 at the assembly in St. Peter’s Square! IG @hkidforce #曼城 #UK #Manchester #在英港人 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #七一沦陷日 #香港沦陷日 #港殇 #毋忘梁健辉


属于英国香港人嘅文化节日Hong Kong March

属于英国香港人嘅文化节日Hong Kong March Hong Kong March 系由HKUC主办,及其他致力推广香港文化嘅香港人合作举办嘅香港文化节。我哋嘅筹委成员包括罗冠聪、郑家朗、刘珈汶,以及其他文化人。 只要你系以下其中一项: 有兴趣推动香港文化嘅人 在英香港地区组织 系英国嘅香港店舖 其实只要你有热诚举办活动、渴望喺英国推广香港文化,我哋就会尽力提供协助! 到访HKM网站了解更多 我哋系属于在英港人嘅香港文化节Hong Kong March!顾名思义,Hong Kong March系横跨整个三月嘅香港文化节。我哋已经同超过20个地区组织合作,喺整个三月都会喺唔同城市举办大大小小有关香港文化嘅活动,依加已经确定嘅活动将会喺至少15个城市举行。 我哋亦将会联同各种类型嘅在英港人店舖合作,推出一系列嘅优惠,鼓励香港人介绍香港文化俾本地朋友一齐享用优惠。 欢迎你喺三月份一齐参加Hong Kong March一连串嘅活动,有兴趣嘅朋友,就要继续留意我哋嘅未来动向喇。 #HongKongMarch #UK #在英港人 #外国港人势力 #香港文化 #文化节



今日证明,我哋一直嘅坚持喺有用的: Our eyes met as an old Ukrainian man handed us the Ukrainian flag. "Hongkongers deserve this. Thank you." He said. "Thank you. Hong Kong is not China." Another Ukrainian said as they looked at our signs. "Hong Kong will be independent one day." 我哋要继续战斗,以星星之火去抵抗黑暗,揭露中共、俄罗斯等专制独裁者嘅一切暴行。 We must continue to fight, to resist the darkness and be a penetrating light that exposes all the atrocities committed by authoritarian oppressors like the CCP and Russians. Sometimes what seems like a small act may mean a lot to those suffering. Posted by 温哥华手足 VAHK IG @vanactivistshk #Vancouver #Canada #StandWithUkraine #StandWithHongKong



流散异国香港人,㷫71声明! Hong Kong Diaspora’s July 1st Statement with Grief and Anger Full article (中文 / English): 中共坐大侵害世界 The Growth of the CCP is a Threat to the World 中共违背诺言嘅惯犯 The CCP is a lair 香港人不承认被委任嘅特首 Hongkongers do not recognise the appointed Chief Executive #七一沦陷日 #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #没有两国何来两制 #消失的香港 #李家超



喺嚟紧呢个圣诞节日,我哋嘅心同面对不公义的嘅香港人同在。我哋对正喺接受不公平审判的嘅所有港人表示同情及支持,同时亦继续声援被悬赏嘅所有海外活动人士。响佳节来临嘅时候,让我们念著黎智英以及其他为民主和人权而奋斗嘅每一位。 愿我们共同嘅声音和应对正义和自由嘅呼唤,并超越国界,拥抱每个受到政治迫害所影响嘅人。祝福每位度过一个充满力量、希望和坚定团结嘅圣诞。 圣诞及新年快乐 砥砺前行 Britons in Hong Kong @britonshk #香港人平安 #Christmas #毋忘手足 #毋忘在囚人士 #圣诞快乐 #新年快乐

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