My memory of 4th June in Hong Kong will alway be filled with can

My memory of 4th June in Hong Kong will alway be filled with candle lights Posted by @chjackie797 #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #Tiananmen #TiananmenMassacre



六四屠城悼念活动 June 4th Memorial Service - @Brisbane Reddacliff Place

六四屠城悼念活动 June 4th Memorial Service - @Brisbane Reddacliff Place #六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #六四集会 #Australia #Brisbane Source: HKIA Brisbane fb 今个星期六 (4/6) 乃六四屠城的三十三年,香港维园烛光晚会因国安法实施后被禁,但我们将会薪火相传,无惧打压继续悼念「六四」死难者,延续六四精神,毋忘历史。 It is the Memorial Day of the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre this Saturday. Please join us at the Reddacliff Place this year to mourn the loss of lives on the tragic day of June 4, 1989. Venue: Reddacliff Place, Brisbane Date: 4/6/2022 Time: 5pm-6pm Memorial service: candle vigil


If Hong Kong can no longer spread the truth of June 4th, then le

If Hong Kong can no longer spread the truth of June 4th, then let's spread him around the world. This is a call from a group of people who have been persecuted by the CCP in Scotland. We want the world to see us. 如果香港再也不能传讲六四真相,那么我们就把他传遍国际吧。这是一个在苏格兰曾被中共迫害群体的号召,我们要世界都看到我们。 Date: 4-6-2022 Venue: Edinburgh Roseburn Public Park Time: 2000 Posted on IG @scottish_hongkongers #毋忘六四 #天安门屠城 #共狗死清光 #打压异见


People have gathered at Scot Monument in #Edinburgh to commemora

People have gathered at Scot Monument in #Edinburgh to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre #Tiananmenmassacre #june4th X @cheesindave #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #UK #Scotland


#2024June4 Two mainland Chinese tourists were stopped and search

#2024June4 Two mainland Chinese tourists were stopped and searched because they accidentally turned on their phone torch , a police officer at the scene said. #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #TiananmenMassacre #june4th


Manchester Exhibition of June 4th Massacre

Manchester Exhibition of June 4th Massacre 曼彻斯特六四展览 Date 日期: 2nd june 2024 (Sunday) 2024年6月2日(日) Time 时间: 1:15pm 4:30pm 下午1:15 下午4:30 Venue 地点: Stretford Public Hall, Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0LG FREE ENTRANCE 免费入场 Source: #manchester #tiananmenmassacre #june4th #六四 #曼城 #曼彻斯特 #英国 #UK



一个地球,多重历法,超越两制,听日就系。 Art by 茶色金鱼 IG/twitter @draculatoki #六四 #八九民运 #天安门事件 #六四屠城 #Tiananmen #TiananmenMassacre

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