六四屠城悼念活动 June 4th Memorial Service - @Brisbane Reddacliff Place
六四屠城悼念活动 June 4th Memorial Service - @Brisbane Reddacliff Place #六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #六四集会 #Australia #Brisbane Source: HKIA Brisbane fb 今个星期六 (4/6) 乃六四屠城的三十三年,香港维园烛光晚会因国安法实施后被禁,但我们将会薪火相传,无惧打压继续悼念「六四」死难者,延续六四精神,毋忘历史。 It is the Memorial Day of the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre this Saturday. Please join us at the Reddacliff Place this year to mourn the loss of lives on the tragic day of June 4, 1989. Venue: Reddacliff Place, Brisbane Date: 4/6/2022 Time: 5pm-6pm Memorial service: candle vigil

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