Silenced Voices: Banned Books in Hong Kong

Silenced Voices: Banned Books in Hong Kong IG @readingukstandswithhk In the shadows of political control, the Chinese and Hong Kong governments have tightened their grip on publishing and press within Hong Kong. Join us for a poignant and eye-opening exhibition, showcasing books that have been banned in this city, discover stories of ten literary gems that vanished from public libraries in recent years. Date and Time: August 16, 2023, 14:00-17:00 August 17-18, 2023, 10:00-17:00 August 19, 2023, 10:00-13:00 Location: 35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS (1/F RISC) Admission: Free #Neverforget #香港禁书 #UK #Reading #书展 #消失的民主自由



#WEBINAR | Hong Kong: Crackdown on Christians

#WEBINAR | Hong Kong: Crackdown on Christians China’s Communist Party overlords are preparing to crackdown on Christians in Hong Kong. Recent articles published in CCP-controlled media have called out Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen and Christian schools for promoting and supporting massive 2019-2020 extradition law protests. Join us February 17th for an important panel discussion on these dangerous developments in Hong Kong. Reserve your spot today. Registration is required to attend. Event page: #宗教自由 #清算 #支共暴政 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP


7 UK cities joined the “Stand with Hong Kong 47”

7 UK cities joined the “Stand with Hong Kong 47” 英国七个城市默站抗议香港47人案 全球十多个香港人组织联合举办默站活动,包括英国九个城市,旨在唤起公众对「香港47民主派不公平审讯」的关注。昨日4月15日,英国七个城市,包括列斯、曼彻斯特、诺定咸、雷丁、萨顿、碧仙桃和爱丁堡完成了默站抗议。抗议者戴上白色面具,传达「任何人都可以成为香港47」的重要信息,表达团结。 Over a dozen Hongkonger diaspora organisations across the world have come together to organise silent protests in various cities, including 9 cities in the UK, to raise awareness of the "Hong Kong 47 Democrats Unfair Trial". On April 15, 7 cities in the UK, including Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham, Reading, Sutton, Bristol, and Edinburgh, completed their silent protests. The protesters wore white masks to convey the important message that "anyone can be Hong Kong 47" and to demonstrate their unity. #StandwithHongKong47 #Reading #UK #savehk47 #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #初选无罪 #释放政治犯 #海外活动 #外国港人势力 #默站 Source: @readingukstandswithhk


Join us as Hong Kong artist, Percy Lam, opens up is piece “Use P

Join us as Hong Kong artist, Percy Lam, opens up is piece “Use PEZ Wrapper to Make a Word.” This powerful art instillation is meant to speak on the revolution in Hong Kong. The event will be held at Hyde Park Art Center (5020 South Cornell Avenue Chicago, IL 60615) and an opening ceremony on Sunday February 6th, 2022 at 2:00pm CST. The event is free to attend with proof of vaccination. Posted by IG @chicagohker #US #chicago #海外活动 #艺术展览 #时代革命


The tragedy of Hong Kong we all saw it coming, but no one could

The tragedy of Hong Kong we all saw it coming, but no one could have done anything to stop China. 27 years have passed since the 1997 handover. It becomes evident that the erosion of Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy is inevitable as China tightens its grip on the city, discarding the promise of «One Country, Two Systems». Hong Kong was never given the right to decide on its own future. Here’s what happened. Posted by @standwithhk_ #没有回归只有沦陷 #七一 #七一沦陷日 #香港沦陷日 #港殇


Hong Kong is simply not prepared to face up to the fact that the

Hong Kong is simply not prepared to face up to the fact that the Communist Party is going to have a profound influence on Hong Kong’s way of life... the Chinese Communist Party means control, order and control. Art by IG @oneaguy | twitter @hkguy1988 #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #支共揽炒香港 #支共祸港 #ChineseVirus #TakeDownCCP


"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May

"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May 20, 2023 - @vanactivistshk THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you! We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward. #香港抗争展 #温哥华 #展览 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人

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