Hello Hong Kong! You will be free again one day.

Hello Hong Kong! You will be free again one day. #你好香港 #HelloHongKong #LiberateHongKong #国安法 #DiscoverHongKong #StandWithHongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #FightForFreedom



Dear friends and followers from Hong Kong!

Dear friends and followers from Hong Kong! The Free Hong Kong Center team would like to express our most profound appreciation for all your support of Ukraine, and especially for your donations to the FHKC activists at the frontline. Posted on twitter @LDLU_official #ukraine #乌克兰 #StandWithUkraine #StandWithHongKong


It pains me to say that Hong Kong is over. #FreeHongKong

It pains me to say that Hong Kong is over. #FreeHongKong #HongKongIsOver #香港沉沦 #经济崩坏 #article23 #廿三条 #国安法 #NationalSecurityLaw


【10.1 Students For Hong Kong Action Day】

【10.1 Students For Hong Kong Action Day】 Students from 40+ schools across the world are taking various actions to raise awareness for Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hongkongers, and other oppressed groups under the Chinese authoritarian regime. Thank you all students groups and individual students for signing up and participating in the Action Day! Thanks all local groups and everyone for supporting and helping spread the word! IG @students4hk #StudentsForHongKong #Students4HK #十一国殇 #全球抗共 #US #Canada #UK #日本 #Australia #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共极权 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #rally #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡 #march


Hong Kong used to be one of the freest cities in the WORLD.

Hong Kong used to be one of the freest cities in the WORLD. But in recent years, that has all changed. The brutal Chinese government’s goal is to bring Hong Kong under its TOTAL control. We must support Hongkongers and their struggle for freedom. by #EnesKanter twitter @EnesKanter #FreeHongKong #FreedomShoes #光复香港 #NBA #SayNotToChina #StandWithHongKong #波士顿塞尔特人 #BostonCeltics


Hello Hong Kong 这里有的是人才

Hello Hong Kong 这里有的是人才 #HelloHongKong #抢人才 #通关 #开关 #蝗虫 #蝗祸 #支那病毒 #支共祸患 #ChineseVirus Posted by @jojowu


June 12 2019 Revolution of our times Three years ago Hong Kong w

June 12 2019 Revolution of our times Three years ago Hong Kong was forever changed. Post on ig @bauhiniasforfreedom #hkprotest #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #612三周年 #hongkonger #fightforfreedom #democracynow #抗争三年 #愿荣光归香港

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