It pains me to say that Hong Kong is over. #FreeHongKong

It pains me to say that Hong Kong is over. #FreeHongKong #HongKongIsOver #香港沉沦 #经济崩坏 #article23 #廿三条 #国安法 #NationalSecurityLaw



A new national Hong Kong security law toughens repressive arsena

A new national Hong Kong security law toughens repressive arsenal. Undemocratic China is really taking over. Just a matter of time. Art by @mwcartoons #23条 #廿三条 #Article23 #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP


Article 23: Hong Kong passes tough security law

Article 23: Hong Kong passes tough security law Hong Kong has passed a tough security law which authorities say is necessary for stability, but which critics fear will further erode civil liberties. When we are witnessing the murder of HK by China and did nothing, the next is us. Art by @badiucao 巴丢草 #23条 #廿三条 #叛国罪 #境外干预罪 #窃取国家机密 #间谍行为 #灭声 #一言堂


The Hong Kong government proposed the following new measures tha

The Hong Kong government proposed the following new measures that help with officers «handling work of safeguarding national security being doxxed or harassed» #BasicLaw #Article23 #廿三条 #境外干预罪 #窃取国家机密 Posted by @the29principles


Source: Manchester Stands With Hong Kong

Source: Manchester Stands With Hong Kong 一国两制虽死,香港人心未死 2024年3月23日,曼城反23条集会,超过300位香港人于下午3时冒雨在Manchester St. Peter's Square集会 。参加者不但自备标语道具,更有义工向围观的本地人解释23条立法后对香港的影响。 集会后更有香港人向参加者分享感受,寄语香港人继续揸起中指(宗旨),无惧港共政权,在能力范围内为自由发声。 #Manchester #23条 #廿三条 #Article23 #反对23条 #海外港人活动


Hello Hong Kong! You will be free again one day.

Hello Hong Kong! You will be free again one day. #你好香港 #HelloHongKong #LiberateHongKong #国安法 #DiscoverHongKong #StandWithHongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #FightForFreedom


JR in Hong Kong.

JR in Hong Kong. Art by IG @vawongsir #寄语港人跳出框框系咪即系移民 #国安法 #香港沉沦 #消失的香港 #艺术装置 #GIANTS #RisingUp #海港城

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