Dear developer,

Dear developer, Telegram continues to grow worldwide, in part thanks to your third-party app. If your app is built from your own code, you'll need to make two changes so your users can keep chatting. If you are using the up-to-date open source code for one of our apps, these changes have already been made. Support for int64 IDs With its rapid growth, Telegram is moving from 32-bit to 64-bit IDs so that users can continue creating billions of groups, channels and bots. Your app will need to support these new IDs as soon as possible to ensure users aren't interrupted. To do so, make sure your app supports this API layer: Sponsored Messages To cover its growing infrastructure costs, Telegram added sponsored messages – a paid, privacy-friendly way to promote bots and channels. We are happy to see support for this has already been added across the majority of third-party apps. We ask that you make sure that these sponsored messages are supported and properly displayed in your app by January 1, 2022. Unfortunately, Telegram cannot financially sustain apps that support Telegram Channels but do not display official sponsored messages – such apps will have to be disconnected. The necessary methods for this change are available here: You can read more about sponsored messages here: Telegram's API usage will continue to be free of charge for all developers. We're counting on your understanding and support so that Telegram and your app can continue to offer private, secure messaging to people around the world. The Telegram Team



@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.1 is here

@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.1 is here We're very happy to hear how everyone's liked the buy bot so far! Weve been hard at work improving the speed and reliability and today we're releasing two new never before seen features! - Full customizability Customize every single thing about your buy posts in /settings > Buy Layouts > Custom Layout Establishing a good theme for a token is very important and this can help give your Telegram a certain feel to it! Syntax isn't the most simple but we tried to make it as intuitive as possible, more guides will be coming out soon - Ignore Mev Transactions Is Jared clogging up your chat? Simply go to settings and turn on Ignore mev transactions! Any buys detected as a mev bot will be ignored and not posted in your group. This will get better as time passes, currently only the big mev bots are stopped at the door - Multiple Bug Fixes Most of these changes have been silent but we've fixed many bugs so far. If you see one, please report it to us Thank you to everyone for the support so far as we continue to make the buy bot & portal better and better ~@TrendingPairs_Bot


@TrendingPairs_Bot V2.5 has launched

@TrendingPairs_Bot V2.5 has launched You might've noticed this update actually came out a few days ago. However, flood control wasn't working properly so we delayed the announcement. Everything is in check now! What's new? - Nicer, more detailed /config + /config is now much more detailed and nice to navigate. There's also new features and easier ways to do things like setting a welcome message within - New flood control + New flood control can be accessed in config. This is used to prevent users from spamming messages too quickly. There's 3 modes with increasing levels of intensity, standard being the default. The intensity of this will be tuned if it's triggered in hyped groups too much - Add buttons into welcome messages + You can now add buttons into your welcome messages to easily organize links! To add a button, simply do {button:name|link} and replace the name and link with desired outputs. Keep in mind, if formatting is incorrect, welcome message won't be sent at all - /website now works for everyone + There was a bug where users who have never joined a group with Safeguard in it wouldn't be able to use /website. This is now patched - Some other minor bug fixes We have some really cool features that will be added very soon! The safeguard team appreciates all of you for the support as we continue to improve ~ @


Looking for resource sharing groups~

Looking for resource sharing groups~ Recently, we have been kicked out or banned from many channels and groups when we shared the video resources we uploaded. Some people will download our videos and upload them themselves and then make them their own. But we don’t let others forward and share it. Maybe they are also making money from these resources. Our original intention is very simple, just to share the video with the people we like. All resources on the Internet are shared, and you can find them anywhere. The videos and resources you want to watch, so if you have a channel and need resources to share, you can send the channel or group link message to @kyle520dodo We are happy to share our resources to every channel ~ Finally, thank you everyone for your support~


Enabling Translation in Settings > Language adds a dedicated Tra

Enabling Translation in Settings > Language adds a dedicated Translate button to the context menu when selecting a message. You can also exclude any languages you speak fluently – which will hide the translate button for those messages. *Translation is available on all Android devices that support Telegram, but requires iOS 15+ on Apple devices. The list of available languages depends on your phone's operating system. 淫梦频道 淫梦导航


IP Addresses

IP Addresses We've gotten multiple DMs asking why Telegram says Safeguard can access your IP - Safeguard uses Telegram web apps to verify, since you're connecting to an external server Telegram gives this warning, however Safeguard does not collect this information. Captcha We use Cloudflare's turnstile captcha which is the most private option for users when it comes to captchas. You can read more info about this on their official website here V2.02 has also just launched, featuring a few QOL Changes and bug fixes V2.1 has launched Turnstile overhaul - We got multiple reports of Turnstile captcha not working for some users and the error isn't documented by Cloudflare. Because of this we temporarily overhauled the captcha until issue is resolved QOL Changes - Service messages are now auto deleted to not clog your chat - Even better antirai Safeguard V2.2 has launched Whats new? - Welcome messages revamped + You are now able to completely customize your welcome messages. Check the post above this to learn how. + Old welcome messages are now automatically deleted once a new user joins to not clog your chat - Multiple antiraid improvements + We've improved our AI in the antiraid to be even better at detecting certain types of attacks + Antiraid hard mode has new additional security features when users join - Too many small bug fixes and QOL Changes to count - Safeguard Advertisements + Are you a project owner and want to work with Safeguard? We offer the most efficient and targetted ads you can get for your project! Contact @ETHSOLTRENDING to discuss more details. + All projects will be vetted beforehand, we do not tolerate scams ~ V2.22 has launched Bug Fixes - Users with "&" in their names wouldnt be able to verify due to how we parsed the data. This is fixed - If a user spammed many times before antiraid picks it up Safeguard would spam chat saying they were muted. It now only says once and deletes other messages1


Telegram API Update. Thank you for contributing to the open Tele

Telegram API Update. Thank you for contributing to the open Telegram ecosystem by developing your app, MTProto Bot. Please note that due to recent updates to Telegram's handling of SMS and the integration of new SMS providers like Firebase, we are changing the way login codes are handled in third-party apps based on the Telegram API. Starting on 18.02.2023, users logging into third-party apps will only be able to receive login codes via Telegram. It will no longer be possible to request an SMS to log into your app – just like when logging into Telegram's own desktop and web clients. Exactly like with the Telegram Desktop and Web apps, if a user doesn’t have a Telegram account yet, they will need to create one first using an official mobile Telegram app. We kindly ask you to update your app’s login and signup interfaces to reflect these changes before they go live on 18.02.2023 at 13:00 UTC. This change will not significantly affect users since, according to our research, the vast majority of third-party app users also use official Telegram apps. In the coming months, we expect to offer new tools for third-party developers that will help streamline the login process.

🔍 发送关键词来寻找群组、频道或视频。
