@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.1 is here

@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.1 is here We're very happy to hear how everyone's liked the buy bot so far! Weve been hard at work improving the speed and reliability and today we're releasing two new never before seen features! - Full customizability Customize every single thing about your buy posts in /settings > Buy Layouts > Custom Layout Establishing a good theme for a token is very important and this can help give your Telegram a certain feel to it! Syntax isn't the most simple but we tried to make it as intuitive as possible, more guides will be coming out soon - Ignore Mev Transactions Is Jared clogging up your chat? Simply go to settings and turn on Ignore mev transactions! Any buys detected as a mev bot will be ignored and not posted in your group. This will get better as time passes, currently only the big mev bots are stopped at the door - Multiple Bug Fixes Most of these changes have been silent but we've fixed many bugs so far. If you see one, please report it to us Thank you to everyone for the support so far as we continue to make the buy bot & portal better and better ~@TrendingPairs_Bot



@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.3 is here

@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.3 is here Portal & Buy Bot changes - Biggest buy competitions You can now create a biggest buy competition for your token in /settings > Start Competition Most mev addresses are automatically ignored, if any get through use /disqualify [address] to disqualify them from the competition - Removed all external Web3 APIs Safeguard buy bot is now ran with only block data, this means more reliable, scalable and fast! - Portal website verification is MUCH faster We changed the captcha used so users that rely on it don't have to wait so long - Improvements to trending algorithm We've been improving this every single day and by now it's caught many good tokens early on. A good example is $RIBBIT, which went on @TrendingPairs_Bot at around 50k market cap and is now 30 million! ~ @TrendingPairs_Bot


@TrendingPairs_Bot V4 is here

@TrendingPairs_Bot V4 is here What's new? INTRODUCING SAFEGUARD BUY BOT We've designed Safeguard buy bot to be by far the most convenient, best option there is for devs all within the same bot! To add a token to your group, type /add Fastest Speed Safeguard notifies your group of a buy within 3 seconds of the block being finished. Faster than any other options (See comparison above) Fully customizable Everything is customizable within /settings. Our buybot currently has 3 layouts you can use in your groups with much more and complete customization on the way Whale alerts Get alerted when a large wallet buys your token with their wallet value being added to the buy NO ADS When buy bot is active in your group there will be completely 0 ads. We don't believe your group should have other projects advertised inside of it, we are an anti-spam bot after all Setup the buy bot in your group with the command /add ... Much more stuff is coming very shortly ~@TrendingPairs_Bot


@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.2 is here

@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.2 is here More improvements to the buy bot - Trending We've been working hard at making the best, fair algorithm to detect the hottest pairs on a chain. Watching it the last couple days, there has already been good opportunity to catch tokens on it before they moon. Currently, the info on it gives a link to the chart and the 1 hour price change, updated every 5 minutes. This is in beta, we are improving the algorithm daily. Check it out at @TrendingPairs_bot Want your token to qualify on @TrendingPairs? Just use Safeguard's buy bot in your group with /add - More speed & general improvements ~ @TrendingPairs_bot


@TrendingPairs_Bot V6.0 Fast-track

@TrendingPairs_Bot V6.0 Fast-track as been successfully updated! Dear users, we're excited to announce that Bot V6.0 has completed its update, introducing a brand-new fast-track feature! Buy Trending: On March 3, 2024, we officially launched two new trend-boosting bots: @Trendingpairs_bot and @SOLTrending_bot. Unlike @Safeguard, these bots are specifically dedicated to the function of purchasing Trending Boost TOP. Concurrently, we are gradually separating the module for purchasing Trending Boost from @Safeguard. Reflecting our team structure, we have established a new trend-boost marketing team, evolved from the original operations team. Each team is now responsible for distinct business areas, allowing for more focused and adaptable workflows. By excelling in their respective roles, they aim to create a more effective trend channel.To facilitate existing users' adaptation to the new trend-buying bots, the Fast-track upgrade to version 6.0 was applied exclusively to @Trendingpairs_bot and @SOLTrending_bot. Currently, @Safeguard remains on version 5.5. Therefore, if you encounter queuing issues, remember to use the bots with the 6.0 Fast-track upgrade. Fast-Track Highlights: ⏺Gain quicker access to top trending lists. ⏺Get priority handling for your tokens with exclusive privilege. ⏺Say goodbye to the issue of unavailable trend slots. ⏺Enhance your token's exposure and influence more swiftly. How to Use: Activate the new /trend feature through commands. Enjoy a swifter trading experience. Exclusive Feature: Currently, only this bot offers permanent fast-track access. The gateway to the largest SOL & ETH Trending on Telegram Statistics: 506,000 Total Users 2,000,000 Daily Views (Avg) Fast-trackV6.0 @TRENDING(/) @SOLTRENDING(/) @ Trending boost bot: @Trendingpairs_bot(/)Fast-track @SOLTrending_Bot ()Fast-track @: , , / , Twitter Admin Announcement Documentation


@TrendingPairs_Bot V2 is launched

@TrendingPairs_Bot V2 is launched Whats new? - Updated security measures - New /config command + Edit your settings without interfering with other bots - New /antiraid modes + 3 Modes, off, normal, and hard. Normal is the default which is very hard for normal people to trigger but prevents large spam. Hard is for if you are being attacked while still allowing users to talk without fear of being accidentally banned. - New joincaptcha mode + Add security to your group without a portal, users are muted on join and have to verify to speak Add to your group now @TrendingPairs_Bot


How to clone your buy bot

How to clone your buy bot Video tutorial is above 1 - Create a bot with @BotFather, you can customize the name, profile pic, description, etc 2 - Copy the bot token you're given. (Dont share this with any person) 3 - Add your newly created bot as admin in your group 4 - Enter your buy bot /settings, go to Clone and input the bot token you copied 5 - Your clone will now notify your group of all your buys! @TrendingPairs_Bot

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