#小菲投稿 Inform you of a matter that requires your attention. Accor
#小菲投稿 Inform you of a matter that requires your attention. According to recent information received, there is a possibility of an upcoming raid at your premises located at, Manila, involving authorities from illegal relevant agency recruitment from company's. PAGCOR has made it clear that it has no connection to the criminal activities alleged against Mayor Alice Guo , who has been convicted in a high-profile POGO scam and human trafficking case. the anticipated raid is scheduled to occur starting next week to end of July 2024. This action may pertain to compliance checks, inspections, or related regulatory activities. It is crucial that your company prepares adequately to facilitate smooth proceedings and to address any concerns promptly. This matter aims to ensure the safety of all Filipino workers. Immediate action is necessary. Both Chinese nationals and Filipinos will not be considered for any position. 翻译:通知您一件需要您注意的事情。根据最近收到的信息,您位于马尼拉的办公场所可能会遭到突袭,涉及公司非法招聘相关机构的当局。 PAGCOR 已明确表示,它与针对市长 Alice Guo 的犯罪活动无关,后者因一起备受瞩目的 POGO 诈骗和人口贩运案而被定罪。 预计的突袭将于下周开始,持续到 2024 年 7 月底。此行动可能涉及合规性检查、检查或相关监管活动。贵公司必须充分准备,以促进程序顺利进行并及时解决任何问题。 此事旨在确保所有菲律宾工人的安全。必须立即采取行动。中国人和菲律宾人都不会被考虑担任任何职位。 广告赞助 中菲速递 菲律宾 信誉之最物流 中菲海运空运 布偶猫舍 种猫均为赛级布偶,纯散养家庭在菲猫舍 AG全岗位直招 白产9G 办理医保社保税卡 双休+菲假等 iSLOT老虎机 全球唯一拥有露珠图的实体老虎机品牌 免费投稿/曝光/澄清 @FChengph 今日新闻频道 @cctvPH

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