Never thought I could be jealous of a pillow, getting to touch a

Never thought I could be jealous of a pillow, getting to touch all of that delicate silky hair. Im the one who should be there ffs! I’d volunteer to be her cigar ash tray if it meant I’d get to be close to her.Like Yoimiya idc if her hair smells like the finest perfume or cigar smoke I’m inhaling it @GenshinOfficialNSFW



I feel like if I could just have one sniff of Cloud Retainer’s p

I feel like if I could just have one sniff of Cloud Retainer’s ponytail then I could live out the rest of my days happy. When her human form was revealed I nearly died of nutting too hard, I just hope her hair smells like chenyu adeptae tea leaves. Idc what she says I’m getting a hairjob from her @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I want to sit xiangling on my lap and just sniff her for hours,

I want to sit xiangling on my lap and just sniff her for hours, I really hope her hair smells like fancy spices @GenshinOfficialNSFW


Only just started the archon quest but I already know that this

Only just started the archon quest but I already know that this is my new wife. An advantage of being the god of water is that no matter how grab her hair, wrap it around my dick, furiously jerk off with it, finish on her face then smear it around like moisturiser. She can just pout and wash it away @GenshinOfficialNSFW


I would like to spend the evening on the beach with Yoimiya nake

I would like to spend the evening on the beach with Yoimiya naked and kiss every inch of her body there @GenshinOfficialNSFW


3 years later and I am still so happy that I chose Lumine, I rea

3 years later and I am still so happy that I chose Lumine, I really don’t give her the attention she deserves, she is SEXY and I can’t play genshin without getting an erection because when I log in the first thing I see is her sexy hair, the two front strands would make perfect handles to grab too @GenshinOfficialNSFW


#小菲投稿Can i ask something, I want to post my last experience abou

#小菲投稿 Can i ask something, I want to post my last experience about the Chinese men since I have sex to him my pussy is always itch from now i meet him in club when I'm drunk Im just wonder he take me to her home in BGC and he took advantage of my weakness and he sex me i just remembered before he sex me he give me something cold water but when I drink that water I tasted something he put something to my water like a drugs because I take a drugs before that's why I know the taste of that after a minute Im fall asleep so fast he fuck me and I sleep. When I'm wake up I smell her boxer had a bad smell like he had a disease so bad smell and now I'm worried to myself that I'm infected as far as I know he has a very beautiful wife who looks natural based on my colleagues and all of them are jealous of luca's wife because they say she doesn't need surgery to look better 频道赞助商广告 频道合作小祁天眼查档 铂莱娱乐新人首存领豪礼官方直营谨防假冒 西港赌场出码诚招中介代理祝君逢赌必赢 曝光/悬赏/合作 @DNYZLBL

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