Prominent crypto author Panos Mekras supports XRP investment due

Prominent crypto author Panos Mekras supports XRP investment due to its utility and innovation, despite allegations about Ripple’s profits. Known for his book “Understanding the Crypto Economy,” Mekras expressed his perspective on Twitter, stating the reasons why he remains an XRP investor.



Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse recently addressed the crypto commu

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse recently addressed the crypto community regarding regulation. As discussions on the implementation of crypto regulation persist, Garlinghouse emphasized the importance of finding a balance between regulatory compliance and fostering innovation within the industry.


Welcome to XRP APES

Welcome to XRP APES XRP APES is the all-encompassing crypto ecosystem that brings XRP rewards and anti-whale mechanisms together to deliver you comfortably to the moon! XRP APES 是包罗万象的加密生态系统,将XRP奖励和反鲸鱼机制结合在一起,将您舒适地送上月球! -Coin Gecko on process -CMC soon -We are here all week in this telegram pinned post !! -influencer tweets :Fabri crypto and his wife -New dashboard soon which will show XRP rewards im real rime. -looking at partnerships soon -Soon a special sneak peak coming of something that is very impressive. -我们整个星期都在这个电报固定的帖子中!! - 影响者推文:Fabri crypto 和他的妻子 - 很快就会有新的仪表板,它将显示 XRP 奖励的真实时间。 - 尽快寻找合作伙伴 -很快就会出现一个非常令人印象深刻的特殊潜行高峰。 Total Supply: 100 T 总供应: 100T 50% burn 50 T circulating supply 100% Locked liquidity 100% 锁定流动性 AUTO XRP Reward every hour. 自动 XRP 每小时奖励一次。 Transaction Tax 5% Marketing Wallet 5%营销钱包 7% XRP for holders 7% 用于持有人的 XRP 3% Liquidity 3% 流动性 10 BNB Initial LP 10 BNB初始LP :



【XRP社区成员:1月11日的法庭听证会对Ripple和加密货币行业至关重要】 1月11日被定为Ripple 与一批 XRP 投资者之间旷日持久的法律纠纷案件的法庭听证日。该案的结果具有重大意义,因为可能为加密行业及其利益相关者奠定 另一个先例。 XRP社区知名成员Crypto Eri表示,定于 1 月 11 日举行的法庭听证会将重点讨论批准集体通知的形式和方式的动议。这意味着法院将制定某些法律程序,在整个案件中指导双方。此前,尽管 Ripple 辩称没有足够的人数来提起诉讼,但法官已经批准了集体诉讼。如果这类投资者最终战胜了加密货币公司,Ripple 可能会被迫分道扬镳,并获得巨额赔偿。 快讯/广告 联系 @xingkong888885

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