Worry in the wine, drink not to drink will be drunk, worried abo

Worry in the wine, drink not to drink will be drunk, worried about hidden in the heart, say not to think. 投稿人:顾辰



#小菲投稿Can i ask something, I want to post my last experience abou

#小菲投稿 Can i ask something, I want to post my last experience about the Chinese men since I have sex to him my pussy is always itch from now i meet him in club when I'm drunk Im just wonder he take me to her home in BGC and he took advantage of my weakness and he sex me i just remembered before he sex me he give me something cold water but when I drink that water I tasted something he put something to my water like a drugs because I take a drugs before that's why I know the taste of that after a minute Im fall asleep so fast he fuck me and I sleep. When I'm wake up I smell her boxer had a bad smell like he had a disease so bad smell and now I'm worried to myself that I'm infected as far as I know he has a very beautiful wife who looks natural based on my colleagues and all of them are jealous of luca's wife because they say she doesn't need surgery to look better 频道赞助商广告 频道合作小祁天眼查档 铂莱娱乐新人首存领豪礼官方直营谨防假冒 西港赌场出码诚招中介代理祝君逢赌必赢 曝光/悬赏/合作 @DNYZLBL


#小菲投稿 #我希望你做一个男人

#小菲投稿 #我希望你做一个男人 It's been 5 months since the last time we talked. I wonder how you sleep at night without even checking on our daughter. I wonder if you think about me, like how I think about you. I wonder if you are worried if our daughter have milk to drink and a diaper to wear. You never helped me and checked on me since the beginning of my pregnancy until I gave birth. I contacted you 3 days after I gave birth. You managed to gave financial help twice but, you made me asked and begged for it. Anyways, wherever you are right now, I still hope that you are safe and healthy. I will still keep my line open for you. Just in case you decided to step up and be a man. #翻译:距离我们上次聊天已经过去了 5 个月。我不知道你晚上怎么睡觉,甚至都不看看我们的女儿。我不知道你是否会像我一样想着我。我不知道你是否担心我们的女儿是否有奶喝、是否有尿布穿。 从我怀孕开始直到我生孩子,你从来没有帮助过我,也没有关心过我。我生完孩子 3 天后才联系过你。你两次给了我经济上的帮助,但你让我不断地请求和乞求。 无论如何,无论你现在在哪里,我仍然希望你平安健康。我仍然会为你保持联系。以防万一你决定站出来做一个男人。

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