#网友曝光这个人 一月份月底前 这个人从公司跑回之前 从我这里借了 4000泰铢。我给他很多时间 来还我 但是他把我拉黑了 ,电

#网友曝光这个人 一月份月底前 这个人从公司跑回之前 从我这里借了 4000泰铢。我给他很多时间 来还我 但是他把我拉黑了 ,电话也打不通 He took my money of B4000 before he ran away from the company. This incident happened before the end of January, but I gave him plenty of time to return my money, but he has not returned it to me yet and has blocked my phone and cut off contact It's not just because I want this money 's about me not liking this kind of trickery 欢迎订阅 @dny88 投稿/广告 @slslyy



#全网曝光#网友爆料 #小偷 # #吃瓜

#全网曝光#网友爆料 #小偷 #曝光 #吃瓜 他在逃离公司之前拿走了我 4000 泰铢。这件事发生在 1 月底之前,但我给了他足够的时间归还我的钱。 然而,他至今没有还我,还拉黑了我的电话,彻底断了联系。 这不仅仅是因为我想要回这笔钱,更重要的是,我讨厌这种欺骗行为。 He took my money of B4000 before he ran away from the company. This incident happened before the end of January, but I gave him plenty of time to return my money, but he has not returned it to me yet and has blocked my phone and cut off contact It's not just because I want this money 's about me not liking this kind of trickery 点击订阅《全网华人曝光吧》 欢迎投稿爆料:@Nezha0000000


#网友曝光  这个人 一月份月底前 这个人从公司跑回之前 从我这里借了 40000泰铢。我给他很多时间 来还我 但是他把我拉黑了


#网友投稿 A scammer

#网友投稿 A scammer TG: @choushabifucku TG Channel: Wechat: Richpoor- Huang, Wen 黄文 Location: The rRise Makati This person scam me for a little money, he said he want to buy food and groceries and borrow me mo ey. I tried to get back my money and he lies about him getting scam and now he blocked me and told me he isn't afraid of of getting exposed. He will ask you to play your socks first before he pays back your money but I refused. In tge end he blocked me on all sociap media platform and I can't reach him anymore. He have a second hand store, he also scam people buying from it, he will ask payment first then he won't send any items because it was a fake channel. Please be wary of this person because he also said that he gets positive on an HIV test 骗子 TG: TG频道: 微信:Richpoor- 姓名: Huang, Wen#黄文 地点: #马卡蒂rRise 这个人骗了我一点钱,他说他想买食物和杂货,借我钱。我试图拿回我的钱,他谎称自己被骗了,现在他把我拉黑了,还说他不怕被揭穿。 他会要求你先玩袜子,然后再还钱,但我拒绝了。最后,他在所有社交媒体平台上屏蔽了我,我再也联系不上他了。 他有一家二手店,他也欺骗从那里买东西的人,他会先要求付款,然后他不会发送任何物品,因为这是一个虚假渠道。 请警惕此人,因为他还说他的艾滋病毒检测呈阳性


#小菲投稿 #寻人启事

#小菲投稿 #寻人启事 Can you Help me to Find My chinese boyfriend Because im 6months pregnant He didn’t support me since I’m pregnant Because I’m asking to his friends and coworkers they told me that he leave his work and they are not together so I don’t know where to find him now his obligation to me he ignore it When I got pregnant my first trimester is okay he gave me money for my check up then we go together to the doctor then suddenly everything has changed a little fight since April he blocked me all my social media accounts I tell his friend where is he now and they told me his not here in this company so i know my boyfriend told them not to tell me where is he. 翻译:你能帮我找到我的中国男朋友吗?因为我怀孕六个月了,他不支持我 因为我问了他的朋友和同事,他们告诉我他离开了工作,他们不在一起,所以我不知道现在去哪里找他,他对我的义务他却置之不理 当我怀孕时,我的头三个月一切正常,他给了我钱让我去做检查,然后我们一起去看医生,然后突然一切都变了,自四月份以来发生了一点小争吵,他屏蔽了我所有的社交媒体账户,我告诉他的朋友他现在在哪里,他们告诉我他不在这家公司,所以我知道我的男朋友告诉他们不要告诉我他在哪里。 频道合作赞助方 8⃣博彩巨擘斥资1亿美元全资收购KK国际 点击订阅今日聚焦曝光频道   t.me/+ajf9Ctn9TapiMTI1 投稿爆料:@jx586


#小菲投稿POSTING FOR AWARENESS. This man in the picture is my ex-boy

#小菲投稿 POSTING FOR AWARENESS. This man in the picture is my ex-boyfriend. We live together for almost 3 years. Suddenly yesterday he left our apartment and stole my gold jewelries. I found out after getting home from work. His saying I owe him a money. But in-factI never owe him a money . He knows exactly where is the money his talking about. Tell him stop gaslighting his own lies. Be careful if you see him in the future. Don't trust this person. Good at pretending as a good person yet he steal things as if nothing. P.S - The gold jewelries that he stole, its from my own money while working and gifts from my long time partner before. 发帖以引起注意。照片中的这个男人是我的前男友。我们在一起生活了将近 3 年。 昨天他突然离开我们的公寓,偷走了我的金首饰。我下班回家后才发现的。 他说我欠他钱。但事实上我从来没有欠他钱。他确切地知道他所说的钱在哪里。告诉他别再自欺欺人了。 如果你以后再见到他,一定要小心。不要相信这个人。他擅长假装好人,但他偷东西却若无其事。 附注他偷的金首饰是我工作时自己的钱和我以前相恋多年的伴侣送的礼物。


#网友投稿 #骗子 A scammer

#网友投稿 #骗子 A scammer TG: @choushabifucku TG Channel: Wechat: Richpoor- Huang, Wen 黄文 Location: The rRise Makati This person scam me for a little money, he said he want to buy food and groceries and borrow me mo ey. I tried to get back my money and he lies about him getting scam and now he blocked me and told me he isn't afraid of of getting exposed. He will ask you to play your socks first before he pays back your money but I refused. In tge end he blocked me on all sociap media platform and I can't reach him anymore. He have a second hand store, he also scam people buying from it, he will ask payment first then he won't send any items because it was a fake channel. Please be wary of this person because he also said that he gets positive on an HIV test 骗子 TG: TG频道: 微信:Richpoor- 姓名: Huang, Wen#黄文 地点: #马卡蒂rRise 这个人骗了我一点钱,他说他想买食物和杂货,借我钱。我试图拿回我的钱,他谎称自己被骗了,现在他把我拉黑了,还说他不怕被揭穿。 他会要求你先玩袜子,然后再还钱,但我拒绝了。最后,他在所有社交媒体平台上屏蔽了我,我再也联系不上他了。 他有一家二手店,他也欺骗从那里买东西的人,他会先要求付款,然后他不会发送任何物品,因为这是一个虚假渠道。 请警惕此人,因为他还说他的艾滋病毒检测呈阳性 :活着就是一个世界的祸害 频道的方向

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