#网友曝光这个人 一月份月底前 这个人从公司跑回之前 从我这里借了 4000泰铢。我给他很多时间 来还我 但是他把我拉黑了 ,电
#网友曝光这个人 一月份月底前 这个人从公司跑回之前 从我这里借了 4000泰铢。我给他很多时间 来还我 但是他把我拉黑了 ,电话也打不通 He took my money of B4000 before he ran away from the company. This incident happened before the end of January, but I gave him plenty of time to return my money, but he has not returned it to me yet and has blocked my phone and cut off contact It's not just because I want this money 's about me not liking this kind of trickery 欢迎订阅 @dny88 投稿/广告 @slslyy

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