#网友投稿 #骗子 A scammer
#网友投稿 #骗子 A scammer TG: @choushabifucku TG Channel: Wechat: Richpoor- Huang, Wen 黄文 Location: The rRise Makati This person scam me for a little money, he said he want to buy food and groceries and borrow me mo ey. I tried to get back my money and he lies about him getting scam and now he blocked me and told me he isn't afraid of of getting exposed. He will ask you to play your socks first before he pays back your money but I refused. In tge end he blocked me on all sociap media platform and I can't reach him anymore. He have a second hand store, he also scam people buying from it, he will ask payment first then he won't send any items because it was a fake channel. Please be wary of this person because he also said that he gets positive on an HIV test 骗子 TG: TG频道: 微信:Richpoor- 姓名: Huang, Wen#黄文 地点: #马卡蒂rRise 这个人骗了我一点钱,他说他想买食物和杂货,借我钱。我试图拿回我的钱,他谎称自己被骗了,现在他把我拉黑了,还说他不怕被揭穿。 他会要求你先玩袜子,然后再还钱,但我拒绝了。最后,他在所有社交媒体平台上屏蔽了我,我再也联系不上他了。 他有一家二手店,他也欺骗从那里买东西的人,他会先要求付款,然后他不会发送任何物品,因为这是一个虚假渠道。 请警惕此人,因为他还说他的艾滋病毒检测呈阳性 :活着就是一个世界的祸害 频道的方向

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