Hello everyone, I am the Filipino girl who was exposed.
Hello everyone, I am the Filipino girl who was exposed. The content of this post is completely false. This person is a customer and asked me the price, but he rejected me because my price was too high. I sent him my friend's video, which means that he knew that the cheap price would be dangerous, but he said that he found the video Please don't spread it. It has caused a lot of trouble in my life. I just want to make some money. Now many people come to harass me, which makes me very stressed. He is completely slandering me. 大家好,我是被曝光的菲律宾女孩。 这个帖子的内容完全是虚假的。这个人是客户,问我价格,但是他拒绝了我,因为我的价格太高。我把我朋友的视频发给他意思是他知道便宜的价格会有危险,他却说是他找到了视频 请不要传播了。给我的生活造成了很大的困扰。我只是想赚点钱。现在很多人来骚扰我,让我压力很大。他完全是在诽谤我。

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