#小菲投稿 #骗子This couple robbed 100 people and ran away with the mon

#小菲投稿 #骗子 This couple robbed 100 people and ran away with the money worth a millions pesos. there is a money reward for anyone who can tell where this couple is. this is they last message to us we asking for pay out then she messaged us this then later on they could not be contacted and found at their house. 译:这对夫妇抢劫了100人,并带着价值100万比索的钱逃跑了。任何能说出这对夫妇在哪里的人都会得到金钱奖励。 这是他们给我们的最后一条消息,我们要求付款,然后她给我们发了这条消息,后来就无法联系到他们,也无法在他们家找到他们。 https://t.me/MeiGuiSheQuA 【 投稿爆料 】商务专线:@MeiGui890




#小菲投稿:这对夫妇抢劫了100人,并带着价值100万比索的钱逃跑了。任何能说出这对夫妇在哪里的人都会得到金钱奖励。 这是他们给我们的最后一条消息,我们要求付款,然后她给我们发了这条消息,后来就无法联系到他们,也无法在他们家找到他们。 投稿爆料: @dbai8 东南亚大事件: @dny57 华人俱乐部: @dubailiaotian


#网友回复You are really a scammer!!!! Instead of replying to our mes

#网友回复 You are really a scammer!!!! Instead of replying to our messages you just post and triggered us to do this. This is MIA SUN and her husband. (English name: JUSTIN) They are now in Thailand hiding. His wife get a lot of money from investment and about visa but nothing happened. A lot of money never returned to us. You are living your life while we are suffering. And instead of talking to us, you are still proud and posting. This couple is now in Khrung Thep Thailand. If you see them. Please avoid trusting them 你真是个骗子!!!你不回复我们的信息,只是发帖,并诱使我们这样做。这是 MIA SUN 和她的丈夫。(英文名:JUSTIN)他们现在躲在泰国。他的妻子从投资和签证中获得了很多钱,但什么也没发生。很多钱从未还给我们。你在过着你的生活,而我们却在受苦。你不和我们说话,却仍然骄傲地发帖。这对夫妇现在在泰国 Khrung Thep。如果你看到他们。请不要相信他们


#小菲投稿 #偷钱 #跑路

#小菲投稿 #偷钱 #跑路 Hello help me to expose this chinese and the wife , this chinese stolen the money and ran away with 7million pesos , now we can't even find him and blocked all the accounts and now we can't even find him 你好,帮我揭露这个中国人和他的妻子,这个中国人偷了钱,带着 700 万比索逃跑了,现在我们甚至找不到他,冻结了所有账户,现在我们甚至找不到他 #新闻 #曝光 #跑路 #寻人 #灰产 #东南亚 全网曝光@baoguangad 灰产新闻@xinwenDD 免费投稿@pctop33 百群导航@wugui555


#网友投稿 投稿#小菲曝光小菲骗子

#网友投稿 #小菲投稿#小菲曝光小菲骗子 帮被骗的小菲投稿 中国老公jiang zhen 小菲名字KIMBERLEY MANUAL 改名后是VINIANAJIANG 住址shorepasay 骗取小菲和中国人几百万p 有同样遭遇的,请说出你们的故事 Contribute for the Filipinos who were cheated Chinese husband : Jiang Zhen Filipino name : KIMBERLEY MANUAL Changed name to VINIANAJIANG Address:Shore Pasay Scammed Filipinos and Chinese out of millions of pesos If you have the same experience, please tell us your story


投稿 #骗子 #小菲骗子#避雷

#小菲投稿 #骗子 #小菲骗子#避雷 帮被骗的小菲投稿 中国老公jiang zhen 小菲名字KIMBERLEY MANUAL 改名后是VINIANAJIANG 住址shorepasay 骗取小菲和中国人几百万p 有同样遭遇的,请说出你们的故事 Contribute for the Filipinos who were cheated Chinese husband : Jiang Zhen Filipino name : KIMBERLEY MANUAL Changed name to VINIANAJIANG Address:Shore Pasay Scammed Filipinos and Chinese out of millions of pesos If you have the same experience, please tell us your story


#菲妹投稿 #家被偷了

#菲妹投稿 #家被偷了 be careful with these people, this filipino couple named NASH and her girlfriend named Catherine Jatico also hide to “KAI” this two shits they are drug addicts and thieves, on December 20 they stole my stuffs at home in IRISH TIVOLI, as I am in the province and didn’t know anything, the girl namedKAI backstabbed one of our friends who live in TIVOLI so I don’t hesitate to contact them. they go to ourroom and steal all the things they can sell and they sold it to have use of illegal drugs, this man is a notorious person and thief a dancer model his self he also sell his body to gays so they can spend the money to buy drugs and when he doesn't get what he wants he will convince his girlfriend to sell herself to the chinese or any foreign people, be careful because they might be included you also in their robbery, this woman likes to scam Chinese people and cheat others to get money for their addiction. I just found out that I have no things left at home and they already sell our computers and other things. 要小心这些人,这对菲律宾夫妇名叫 NASH,她的女朋友名叫 Catherine Jatico,也躲在“KAI”这个混蛋后面,他们是吸毒者和小偷,12 月 20 日,他们偷了我在爱尔兰 TIVOLI 家里的东西,因为我在省里,什么都不知道,这个名叫 KAI 的女孩背叛了我们一个住在 TIVOLI 的朋友,所以我毫不犹豫地联系了他们。他们去了我们的房间,偷了所有可以卖的东西,然后卖掉它们来购买非法毒品,这个男人是一个臭名昭著的小偷,他是一名舞者,自己做模特,他还把自己的身体卖给同性恋者,这样他们就可以花钱买毒品 当他得不到他想要的东西时,他就会说服他的女朋友把自己卖给中国人或任何外国人,要小心,因为他们可能也把你包括在他们的抢劫中,这个女人喜欢骗中国人,欺骗他人来为他们的毒瘾赚钱。我刚刚发现我家里没有剩余的东西了,他们已经把我们的电脑和其他东西都卖掉了。

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