#网友投稿  #各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底

#网友投稿  #各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff is useless, poor work performance yet have a thick face to betrayed her colleagues, friends and the boss. She used to make a fake stories just like her fake and thick eyebrow. Her face is like a rotten onion, and she always wear a jacket her body is so stingy just like her attitude towards the company. 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底




#网友投稿#各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff is useless, poor work performance yet have a thick face to betrayed her colleagues, friends and the boss. She used to make a fake stories just like her fake and thick eyebrow. Her face is like a rotten onion, and she always wear a jacket her body is so stingy just like her attitude towards the company. 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底



#各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff is useless, poor work performance yet have a thick face to betrayed her colleagues, friends and the boss. She used to make a fake stories just like her fake and thick eyebrow. Her face is like a rotten onion, and she always wear a jacket her body is so stingy just like her attitude towards the company. 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底 【智维专流程外包 十年真诚服务】 @Cognix2015 AV @Daacy 国产 @Qobri 吃瓜@Xocow色瓜 @Ton5c 二次元 @pua915 表情包@iubas/.


菲律宾 卧底 各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底

菲律宾 卧底 各位盘总注意这几个小菲是NBI卧底 姓名:Cindy Capeding 地址:Dasmarinas, Cavite 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里做CSR。这种员工没用,工作表现差,却厚着脸皮背叛同事、朋友和老板。她曾经编造过假故事,就像她那浓眉一样。她的脸像烂洋葱,她总是穿着夹克,她的身材就像她对公司的态度一样小气。 已经被NBI收买做卧底


#小菲投稿 Jasmine Mae Hidalgo

#小菲投稿 Jasmine Mae Hidalgo Address: Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a CSR in the company. This kind of staff has no result but still the company gave her a chance to work. But in return she just betrayed all her colleagues, friends and the boss. This fat girl should not be part of any company, it will just bring a bad luck to your business. She just know how to eat like a pig and make a big trouble. 姓名:Jasmine Mae Hidalgo 地址:Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司担任 CSR。这种员工没有成绩,但公司仍然给了她工作的机会。但作为回报,她背叛了她所有的同事、朋友和老板。这个胖女孩不应该成为任何公司的一员,这只会给你的生意带来厄运。她只知道如何像猪一样吃东西并制造大麻烦。


Alyssa Joy A. Frias

Alyssa Joy A. Frias Address: 545 st. Binondo, Manila Please remember her face and identity, she worked as a model in the company. Her strategy is to apply and be part of the company. After Getting information inside the company, she betrayed the colleagues, friends and especially the boss. This type of woman is very stingy and selfish. She put many people in danger situation. She have no conscience at all. Her pictures are very deceiving, looks good but when you see her in person it's disguting same like with her attitude. So people, don't trust this girl anymore! Or else they will ruin you and your business. Ungrateful girl 姓名:Alyssa Joy A. Frias 地址:马尼拉 Binondo 街 545 号 请记住她的脸和身份,她在公司里当模特。她的策略是申请并成为公司的一员。在获得公司内部信息后,她背叛了同事、朋友,尤其是老板。这种女人非常吝啬和自私。她把很多人置于危险境地。她一点良心都没有。她的照片非常具有欺骗性,看起来不错,但当你亲眼看到她时,你会觉得很恶心,就像她的态度一样。 所以大家,不要再相信这个女孩了!否则他们会毁了你和你的生意。 忘恩负义的女孩 已经被NBI收买做卧底



网友投稿:迪拜的海外盘总注意着点这几个小黑 他们在离开我的公司之后,陆陆续续的去联系客户自己盗取金额,也在他们离开之后查出了他们让客户转账到他们的钱包地址 在3月15号集体离职,之后办理离职之后就让他们离开,但是在第二天发现这几个小黑窜同好去盗窃客户资料还有让客户转账,甚至在离开之后有为自己手上所有客户的资料全部保存好一并带走,私自去联系客户让客户转账,避免各位盘总如果请到这几个小黑之后造成损失,你自己看要不要用!

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