RT Adam Pearce

RT Adam Pearce Do Machine Learning Models Memorize or Generalize? An interactive introduction to grokking and mechanistic interpretability w/ @ghandeharioun, @nadamused_, @Nithum, @wattenberg and @iislucas



Adam Whitcroft

Adam Whitcroft Fun with curled pages. >>How do you make it? Pop a “curve” modifier on a plane and select a bezier curve as the “curve object” in the modifier options. I can make a little video of it.


RT AKDrag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the

RT AK Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold paper page:


瑞士日内瓦大学 François Fleuret 的深度学习课程 || #机器学习

瑞士日内瓦大学 François Fleuret 的深度学习课程 || #机器学习 本课程全面介绍深度学习,并提供PyTorch 框架中的示例: machine learning objectives and main challenges, tensor operations, automatic differentiation, gradient descent, deep-learning specific techniques, generative, recurrent, attention models. 课程包含14x050 的幻灯片、录音和虚拟机 。


RT Shubham Saboo

RT Shubham Saboo Breaking OpenAI just launched GPTBot, a web crawler designed to automatically scrape data from the entire internet. This data will be used to train future AI models like GPT-4 and GPT-5! GPTBot ensures that sources violating privacy and those behind paywalls are excluded.


RT Jim FanWhat if we set GPT-4 free in Minecraft?

RT Jim Fan What if we set GPT-4 free in Minecraft? I’m excited to announce Voyager, the first lifelong learning agent that plays Minecraft purely in-context. Voyager continuously improves itself by writing, refining, committing, and retrieving *code* from a skill library. GPT-4 unlocks…


RT CryptoNerdCn

RT CryptoNerdCn 又一个 AI大新闻:@StabilityAI 公布了stable animation sdk,根据介绍,他们能从文本,图像,和视频中生成视频。 用户可以使用所有的Stable Diffusion models,包括 Stable Diffusion 2.0 和 Stable Diffusion XL stable animation提供三种方式来创建动画:… Stability AI: Introducing Stable Animation from Stability AI - the ultimate text-to-animation tool that brings your imagination to life! With this powerful SDK, developers can create stunning animations in no time. Bring your ideas to the big screen today!

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