RT Shubham Saboo

RT Shubham Saboo Breaking OpenAI just launched GPTBot, a web crawler designed to automatically scrape data from the entire internet. This data will be used to train future AI models like GPT-4 and GPT-5! GPTBot ensures that sources violating privacy and those behind paywalls are excluded.



GPT-5 当下并没有在训练,在一段时间内也不会。

GPT-5 当下并没有在训练,在一段时间内也不会。 GPT-4 的实力尚未全部解锁。 Logan.GPT: Despite what you see here on Twitter and all the hype, GPT-5 is not being trained right now, nor will it be for some time. GPT-4 took 6 months post training to ensure a safe and aligned model. This is likely to increase for future models. TLDR; focus on GPT-4!


RT Viking疯狂的经历!

RT Viking 疯狂的经历! 这位兄弟将自己的理财全部交给了 ChatGPT 来做,他给 了 AutoGPT 自己的银行账户,email,以及一系列的财产报告的权限,让它当自己的理财专家。 现在的结果是目前赚了217美元~ 详情可以好好看看对应的帖子。 Joshua Browder: I decided to outsource my entire personal financial life to GPT-4 (via the @donotpay chat we are building). I gave AutoGPT access to my bank, financial statements, credit report, and email. Here’s how it’s going so far (+$217.85) and the strange ways it’s saving money. (1/n):


据 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 于 Bill Gates 的 ” 播客中透露,OpenAI 将推出的新一代大型语

据 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 于 Bill Gates 的 ” 播客中透露,OpenAI 将推出的新一代大型语言模型 GPT-5,将具备更出色的推理能力、提高的准确性,并支援影片功能。Altman 表示,GPT-5 将成为一款全面多模态的模型,支援语音、图像、程式码以及影片。 GPT-5 解决过去的疑难杂症 在访谈中,Altman 指出,GPT-5 将解决许多先前版本在回应不可靠或无法正确理解查询等问题。他谈及未来 AI 模型将实现的功能:“语音输入,语音输出。图像。最终还会支援影片。”他还解释说,自从推出图像和音讯支援后,用户反应远超预期。 GPT-5 的神秘面纱 关于 GPT-5,目前所知不多,仅从 Altman 和其他人的暗示中获得一些信息。预计它将成为一款真正的多模态模型,与 Google 的新型号 Gemini Ultra 类似。 OpenAI 于去年开始训练 GPT-5,Altman 暗示这将是 GPT-4 的一个重大进步,特别是在理解复杂查询和真实世界方面。他对 Bill Gates 表示:“至少在接下来的 5 到 10 年内,我们将处于一个陡峭的改进曲线上。这是这些模型将会有的最愚蠢状态!”(“At least for the next 5 or 10 years we will be on a steep improvement curve, this is the stupidest these models will ever be.”) 朝向 AGI 目标迈进 许多大型人工智能实验室,包括 OpenAI,都将创造超越人类智慧、能力更强的人工智能(AGI)作为最终目标。虽然早期有猜测 GPT-5 或许会成为某种形式的超智慧,但现在对于这个型号的推测表明,它将是一个比 GPT-4、Anthropic 的 Claude 2 或 Google 的 Gemini Ultra 更优秀的 AI 版本。也就是说,它将具有更好的推理能力,不仅可能在许多学术评估上超越人类,而且还会有超越仅仅模仿人类智慧的理解度。它可能也是达成 AGI 的下一步。Altman 在 Y-Combinator W24 活动的一次演讲中表示,创业家和企业家应该以“AGI 将在相对较短的时间内实现”为思维模式来建立他们的业务。 GPT-5 将解决目前 AI 模型的大问题 目前这一代 AI 模型的一个主要问题是它们会创造出虚假的信息,也就是所谓的幻觉。Altman 表示,这一可靠性问题将在 GPT-5 中得到解决。他对 Bill Gates 说:“如果你问 GPT-4 同一个问题 1 万次,其中的 1 次可能相当不错,但它并不总是知道哪一次是最好的,而你希望每次都能得到那 1 万次中最佳的回应,因此提高可靠性将非常重要。” 此外,GPT-5 的另一项重大改进将是在定制 AI 回应、行动和解决问题的方式上。Altman 说:“人们对 GPT-4 有着非常不同的期望,包括不同的回应风格,甚至在回应时有不同的假设集。”他还表示:“我们将使所有这些成为可能,并且还能够让它使用你自己的数据。” 标签: #OpenAI#ChatGPT 频道: @GodlyNews1 投稿: @GodlyNewsBot


“Low-Resource” Text Classification: A Parameter-Free Classificat

“Low-Resource” Text Classification: A Parameter-Free Classification Method with Compressors Deep neural networks (DNNs) are often used for text classification due to their high accuracy. However, DNNs can be computationally intensive, requiring millions of parameters and large amounts of labeled data, which can make them expensive to use, to optimize, and to transfer to out-of-distribution (OOD) cases in practice. In this paper, we propose a non-parametric alternative to DNNs that’s easy, lightweight, and universal in text classification: a combination of a simple compressor like gzip with a k-nearest-neighbor classifier. Without any training parameters, our method achieves results that are competitive with non-pretrained deep learning methods on six in-distribution datasets.It even outperforms BERT on all five OOD datasets, including four low-resource languages. Our method also excels in the few-shot setting, where labeled data are too scarce to train DNNs effectively. > > > Holy shit this paper, and the insight behind it. > > You know how every receiver is also a transmitter, well: every text predictor is also text compressor, and vice-versa. > > You can outperform massive neural networks running millions of parameters, with a few lines of python and a novel application of gzip.


SFWOpenAI 因字节跳动使用 GPT 训练自己的 AI 模型而封锁其账号

SFW OpenAI 因字节跳动使用 GPT 训练自己的 AI 模型而封锁其账号 2023-12-16 22:11:44 by 超时空碎片 TikTok 母公司字节跳动一直秘密使用 OpenAI 的技术开发其代号为 Project Seed 的大模型。这种做法在 AI 领域通常被认为是令人尴尬的,也违反了 OpenAI 的服务条款禁止将其模型输出用于开发竞争的 AI 模型。字节跳动的内部文件证实,在大模型开发的几乎每一个阶段,该公司都依赖于 OpenAI API。字节跳动员工在内部通信平台飞书中甚至讨论了“数据脱敏”。字节跳动员工经常达到 OpenAI API 的限额。在报道发表之后,OpenAI 发言人表示已经封锁了字节跳动的账号。 https://slashdot.org/story/23/12/15/2346251/openai-suspends-bytedances-account-after-it-used-gpt-to-train-its-own-ai-model #人工智能 from Solidot


#情侣 #关系 "To the Starlight 1,342 Kilometers Away"

#情侣 #关系 "To the Starlight 1,342 Kilometers Away" Dear my love, The moonlight over Kedah is spilling through UUM's palm fronds tonight, like strands of your hair falling as you adjust the oven for brownies, carrying their warm sweetness. Seventeen hours ago, when you messaged me about rushing back to your dorm in the rain, I suddenly recalled the verse from *Song of Solomon*: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" how I wish I could shield you with a Tianjin umbrella through Tangerang's monsoon, carving out a patch of clear sky just for you. When you speak of those brownies you’ve never shown anyone, your voice softens like dawn filtering through stained glass. Closing my eyes, I see it: under Jakarta’s midnight desk lamp, you’re piping rose patterns onto cakes, while UUM’s pre-dawn breeze carries dewdrops, weaving our shared dreams of European castles into the same cloud. When my mother saw your photo, she said, "This girl’s eyes hold starlight," unaware it’s the glow that sparks when you talk about Gothic flying buttresses. Though our hands haven’t met yet, every time you proudly show your architectural models on video, I’m reminded of *1 Corinthians*: "Love never fails" just like how you taught me to simmer syrup to 118°C, our love, too, simmers across time zones into amber clarity. Last night, as rain lashed my dorm window, I traced the silhouettes of Tianjin Eye and UPH’s dome with my breath on the glass. Suddenly, our story felt like the double-helix staircase you designed: you restoring Jakarta’s old train stations, me charting Kedah’s monsoon clouds, each climbing toward the same constellations. When the dry season returns, let’s watch sunsets over the Seine. I’ll spend half a year perfecting palm-sugar madeleines, their seashell ridges hiding the stained-glass hues of Xikai Church. As Sainte-Chapelle’s colored light dances on your lashes, maybe we’ll both remember this Kedah night where I wrote missing you into starlight beneath the pavilion, while you, in Tangerang’s rain, became the gentlest benchmark of my existence. Where every raindrop maps our reunion, Jonadab Wang Beneath the whispering palms of UUM 给大家展示一下我写给异国恋女友的情书,虽然我不信仰宗教而她信仰基督教,虽然她是个华裔但连中文都不会说,但她真的很爱我,我也很爱她,希望我们以后永远走下去

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