#小菲求助This girl. Screen name is NAMI. Has a Chinese boyfriend and

#小菲求助 This girl. Screen name is NAMI. Has a Chinese boyfriend and planning to scape in Philippines and go to hongkong to marry the Chinese guy she have now. She runaway our money worth 441,290p (not include other loans that i still know). She already deleted all her social media accounts and also blocked us to her mobile phone number. Her family also covering her whereabouts that’s why we are asking for help here in the group. If you see her please contact us. Thank you 这个女孩。网名是NAMI。有一个中国男友,计划逃到菲律宾,去香港嫁给她现在的中国男人。她偷走了我们价值 441,290 便士的钱(不包括我仍然知道的其他贷款)。已经删除了她所有的社交媒体帐户,还阻止了我们使用她的手机号码。她的家人也知道她的行踪,这就是我们在群组中寻求帮助的原因。如果您看到她,请联系我们。谢谢 网友投稿,请自行考证 投搞曝料:@labi1858 休闲电影 房源供需 二手交易 吃瓜搞笑 求职招聘 抖音吃瓜



#小菲求助This girl. Screen name is NAMI. Has a Chinese boyfriend and

#小菲求助 This girl. Screen name is NAMI. Has a Chinese boyfriend and planning to scape in Philippines and go to hongkong to marry the Chinese guy she have now. She runaway our money worth 441,290p (not include other loans that i still know). She already deleted all her social media accounts and also blocked us to her mobile phone number. Her family also covering her whereabouts that’s why we are asking for help here in the group. If you see her please contact us. Thank you 这个女孩。网名是NAMI。有一个中国男友,计划逃到菲律宾,去香港嫁给她现在的中国男人。她偷走了我们价值 441,290 便士的钱(不包括我仍然知道的其他贷款)。已经删除了她所有的社交媒体帐户,还阻止了我们使用她的手机号码。她的家人也知道她的行踪,这就是我们在群组中寻求帮助的原因。如果您看到她,请联系我们。谢谢


#小菲求助This girl. Screen name is NAMI. Has a Chinese boyfriend and

#小菲求助 This girl. Screen name is NAMI. Has a Chinese boyfriend and planning to scape in Philippines and go to hongkong to marry the Chinese guy she have now. She runaway our money worth 441,290p (not include other loans that i still know). She already deleted all her social media accounts and also blocked us to her mobile phone number. Her family also covering her whereabouts that’s why we are asking for help here in the group. If you see her please contact us. Thank you #翻译: 这个女孩。网名是NAMI。有一个中国男友,计划逃到菲律宾,去香港嫁给她现在的中国男人。她偷走了我们价值 441,290 便士的钱(不包括我仍然知道的其他贷款)。已经删除了她所有的社交媒体帐户,还阻止了我们使用她的手机号码。她的家人也知道她的行踪,这就是我们在群组中寻求帮助的原因。如果您看到她,请联系我们。谢谢


#小菲投稿This girl seduced my husband. She has a boyfriend and child

#小菲投稿 This girl seduced my husband. She has a boyfriend and children, but is still chatting with other men. My husband met her when he bought cigarettes.Tell me the location. I just want to remind her not to seduce my husband. She has a Chinese boyfriend. I hope her boyfriend sees my message, and I hope you can manage your girlfriend well and not let her seduce my husband. This girl told my boyfriend that she is pregnant. I know you've known each other for a long time. This girl often says that her boyfriend is very stingy and doesn't provide living expenses, so she often seeks out my boyfriend. 这个女孩勾引我老公,有男朋友有孩子,还跟别的男人聊天,我老公买烟的时候认识的,告诉我地点,我就是想提醒她别勾引我老公,她有个中国男朋友,希望她男朋友看到我的信息,也希望你能管好你的女朋友,别让她勾引我老公。这个女孩跟我男朋友说她怀孕了,我知道你们认识很久了,这个女孩经常说她男朋友很小气,不给生活费,所以经常找我男朋友。


#小菲投稿 #菲律宾 #签证 #骗子

#小菲投稿 #菲律宾 #签证 #骗子 This person was a scammer. I asked her to process for my husband visa and pay. But until now there is no update. We can't contact her also. There are people who also pay her to assist for passport and visa too but she didn't do it. There are still other people who give her money for investment but didn't receive anything in return. Now we can't contact her anymore. Don't trust this person. She is in Thailand with her Chinese husband. To you girl, clean your mess. Don't let me post your husband photo too. Don't let her fool you. Be careful with her!! Her name is Imelda Carizsa Echegaray Chan Sun. AKA Mia Sun 这个人是个骗子。我让她帮我办理丈夫的签证并付款。但到现在还没有消息。我们也联系不上她。也有人付钱让她帮忙办理护照和签证,但她没有这么做。还有其他人给她钱投资,但没有得到任何回报。现在我们再也联系不上她了。不要相信这个人。她和她的中国丈夫在泰国。你这个女孩,收拾好你自己的烂摊子。别让我也贴出你丈夫的照片。别让她骗了你。小心她!!她的名字是 Imelda Carizsa Echegaray Chan Sun。又名 Mia Sun。 :盗亦有道,未成年这就有点过分了 频道的方向


#菲妹投稿 Please help me expose this shameless girl, an expat withou

#菲妹投稿 Please help me expose this shameless girl, an expat without a passport who stole money. This is to remind everyone not to hire her. She is a Malaysian Chinese girl named Nana/Grace. Aside from stealing, she also took a computer with no intention of paying for it. I hope the authorities catch her, as she is staying illegally in the Philippines, together with her husband, who also uses drugs. 请大家帮忙曝光这个无耻的女孩一名没有护照的外籍人士,她偷了钱。提醒大家不要雇佣她。她是马来西亚华人,名字叫 Nana/Grace。除了偷窃,她还拿走了一台电脑,却没有打算付款。希望当局能抓住她,因为她与她的丈夫一起在菲律宾非法居留,而她的丈夫也在吸毒 【 】商务专线:@MeiGui890


#小菲投稿 #寻妻Who knows this girl ? I am the husband for 11years . If

#小菲投稿 #寻妻 Who knows this girl ? I am the husband for 11years . If see you this girl just pm me . she left us with our 2kids for the other guy chinese . I dont know where she is now .But i think she is around in pasay . She lie to me and she lie the other guy . I just need help to know where she is in pasay . Thank you very much . If know this girl just pm me . 翻译:谁认识这个女孩?我是她 11 年来的丈夫。如果你看到这个女孩,请给我发私信。她带着我们的两个孩子离开了我们,去找了另一个中国男人。我不知道她现在在哪里。但我认为她在帕赛附近。她骗了我,也骗了另一个男人。我只是需要帮助,想知道她在帕赛哪里。非常感谢。如果你认识这个女孩,请给我发私信。

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