悬赏通缉名字1:nasurdeen mohamed roshan

悬赏通缉 名字1:nasurdeen mohamed roshan 名字2:mahroofmansoor 两名斯里兰卡人,盗取公司现金2万迪拉姆,盗取公司手机23部,于2024年10月10日从迪拜逃跑至柬埔寨 骗取柬埔寨另一公司机票,签证,保关费用合计6400USDT (包含验资费用4000迪) 此二人擅长伪装成老实并踏实工作的人,工作中盗取客户资金,工作外盗取公司财产 现在面向全网公开通缉 无论哪个公司雇佣此人,我们两个公司一定和你死搞到底。不排除有雇佣公司合伙做事嫌疑。你们公司是活不起了吗?要跳票招人? 赏金: 1、凡提供此二人工作地点工作公司园区。奖励2000美金 2、凡将此二人扭送到我公司金边 木牌 西港任意地方均可,奖励1万美金 3、凡将此二人砍断一条腿奖励3万美金,需要录制视频 4、凡让二人以任何形式死去,奖励10万美金 任何国籍人均可以凭悬赏截图,拉担保群担保(支持汇旺,新币) 奖励终身有效 联系飞机:@zhiyehexiao Wanted with a bounty Name 1: Nasurdeen Mohamed Roshan Name 2: Mahroof Mansoor Two Sri Lankans stole 20,000 dirhams in cash and 23 mobile phones from the company, and fled from Dubai to Cambodia on October 10, 2024 Swindled another Cambodian company to pay 6,400 USDT for air tickets, visas, and customs clearance fees (including 4,000 dirhams for capital verification) These two are good at pretending to be honest and hard-working people, stealing customer funds at work and stealing company property outside of work Now the whole network is openly wanted No matter which company hires this person, our two companies will fight you to the death. It is not ruled out that there is a suspicion of a hiring company working in partnership. Can your company not survive? Want to skip the check to recruit people? Reward: 1. Anyone who provides the work location of these two people, the work company park. Reward: 2,000 USD 2. Anyone who brings these two people to our company in Phnom Penh, Mupai, or Sihanoukville can get a reward of 10,000 USD 3. Anyone who cuts off one of their legs will get a reward of 30,000 USD, and a video needs to be recorded 4. Anyone who kills these two people in any way will get a reward of 100,000 USD Any nationality can take a screenshot of the reward and get a guarantee from the guarantee group (supports Huiwang and SGD) The reward is valid for life Contact: @zhiyehexiao



#付费悬赏  #悬赏  #通缉

#付费悬赏  #悬赏  #通缉 名字1:nasurdeen mohamed roshan 名字2:mahroof  mansoor 两名 #斯里兰卡人,盗取公司现金2万迪拉姆,盗取公司手机23部,于2024年10月10日从 #迪拜 逃跑至 #柬埔寨 骗取 #柬埔寨 另一公司机票,签证,保关费用合计6400USDT (包含验资费用4000迪) 此二人擅长伪装成老实并踏实工作的人,工作中盗取客户资金,工作外盗取公司财产 现在面向 #全网公开通缉 无论哪个公司雇佣此人,我们两个公司一定和你死搞到底。不排除有雇佣公司合伙做事嫌疑。你们公司是活不起了吗?要跳票招人? 赏金: 1、凡提供此二人工作地点  工作公司园区。奖励2000美金 2、凡将此二人扭送到我公司 金边 木牌 西港 任意地方均可,奖励1万美金 3、凡将此二人砍断一条腿奖励3万美金,需要录制视频 4、凡让二人以任何形式死去,奖励10万美金 任何国籍人均可以凭悬赏截图,拉担保群担保(支持汇旺,新币) 奖励终身有效 点击订阅《全网华人曝光吧》 https://t.me/QWHRBGB 欢迎投稿爆料:@Nezha000000


Helping my friend who has lost contact with his cousin. His fami

Helping my friend who has lost contact with his cousin. His family and friends cannot contact him anymore and it’s been 3 months already, his name is 潘运财 (Pua Jun Chai). He went to the Philippines to work, he initially went to Makati, below is the attached picture of the HR that hired him and the company that he went to. Please help me, the family said that there is a reward for anyone who can help them about his whereabouts. He nationality is Malaysian-Chinese 频道合作赞助方 8⃣博彩巨擘斥资1亿美元全资收购KK国际 点击订阅今日聚焦曝光频道   t.me/+ajf9Ctn9TapiMTI1 投稿爆料:@jx586


#全网曝光 付费悬赏通缉

#全网曝光 付费悬赏通缉 两名斯里兰卡人 Nasurdeen Mohamed Roshan 和 Mahroof Mansoor 于2024年10月10日从迪拜逃至柬埔寨,盗取公司现金2万迪拉姆及23部手机。 此外,他们还诈骗了柬埔寨另一公司共计6400USDT(包括验资费用4000迪拉姆),伪装成老实踏实的员工,实则工作内外皆行盗窃之事。 我们现公开通缉此二人,无论哪个公司雇佣此人,我们必将与你们死磕到底,不排除雇佣公司与其合伙作案的可能。 赏金悬赏: 1. 提供此二人的工作地点或公司园区,奖励2000美元。 2. 将此二人扭送至金边、木牌、西港的任何地点,奖励1万美元。 3. 砍断此二人任意一条腿并录制视频,奖励3万美元。 4. 让此二人以任何形式死亡,奖励10万美元。 任何国籍均可凭悬赏截图,拉担保群担保(支持汇旺,新币)。此悬赏终身有效。 联系飞机:zhiyehexiao 订阅柬埔寨悬赏令频道  ↓ 免费投稿爆料: @caicai88888893


#阅读 #富爸爸穷爸爸

#阅读 #富爸爸穷爸爸 精选短句 proper physical exercise increases your chance for health , and proper mantal exercise increase your chances for wealth . the poor and middle class work for the money, the rich have money work for them. life pushes all of us arround. some people give up and others fight. A few learn the lesson and move on . people'lives are forever controlled by two emotions: fear and greed It’s not how much money you make , it’s how much money you keep. Rich people acquire assets. The poor and middle class acquire liabilities that they think are assets. A person can be highly educated, professionally successful, and financially illiterate. start buying real assets not liabilities Often in the real world, it’s not the smart who get ahead, but the bold #柏丽素材 内涵搞笑 海外交流群(BLS)


=== #悬赏令 ===

=== #悬赏令 === 名字1:nasurdeen mohamed roshan 名字2:mahroof  mansoor 两名 #斯里兰卡人,盗取公司现金2万迪拉姆,盗取公司手机23部,于2024年10月10日从 #迪拜 逃跑至 #柬埔寨 骗取柬埔寨另一公司机票,签证,保关费用合计6400USDT (包含验资费用4000迪) 此二人擅长伪装成老实并踏实工作的人,工作中盗取客户资金,工作外盗取公司财产 现在面向全网公开通缉,无论哪个公司雇佣此人,我们两个公司一定和你死搞到底。不排除有雇佣公司合伙做事嫌疑。你们公司是活不起了吗?要跳票招人? =悬赏金额=: 1、凡提供此二人工作地点  工作公司园区。奖励2000美金 2、凡将此二人扭送到我公司 金边 木牌 西港 任意地方均可,奖励1万美金 3、凡将此二人砍断一条腿奖励3万美金,需要录制视频 4、凡让二人以任何形式死去,奖励10万美金 任何国籍人均可以凭悬赏截图,拉担保群担保(支持汇旺,新币)奖励终身有效! 免费投稿:@beijixing4 赏金猎人酒馆 @shangjin_jiuguan 华人聊天群 @huarentiandi 更多资源群:@sousuoresoudaohan


#付费悬赏 #悬赏通缉

#付费悬赏 #悬赏通缉 通缉令: 女孩子代号为:周周 旁边是他男朋友:阿元 戴眼镜的代号:曲调 白裤子男的叫:长安 一人一万U的悬赏,此4人盗取公司资源,提供线索协助抓到人悬赏4万U,目前人应该在金边周围 联系: @yuanshuai881 东南亚资讯一手掌握↓ 订阅频道:@baoliao111 爆料与广告联系:@wanan668

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