#小菲投稿POSTING FOR AWARENESS. This man in the picture is my ex-boy
#小菲投稿 POSTING FOR AWARENESS. This man in the picture is my ex-boyfriend. We live together for almost 3 years. Suddenly yesterday he left our apartment and stole my gold jewelries. I found out after getting home from work. His saying I owe him a money. But in-factI never owe him a money . He knows exactly where is the money his talking about. Tell him stop gaslighting his own lies. Be careful if you see him in the future. Don't trust this person. Good at pretending as a good person yet he steal things as if nothing. P.S - The gold jewelries that he stole, its from my own money while working and gifts from my long time partner before. 发帖以引起注意。照片中的这个男人是我的前男友。我们在一起生活了将近 3 年。 昨天他突然离开我们的公寓,偷走了我的金首饰。我下班回家后才发现的。 他说我欠他钱。但事实上我从来没有欠他钱。他确切地知道他所说的钱在哪里。告诉他别再自欺欺人了。 如果你以后再见到他,一定要小心。不要相信这个人。他擅长假装好人,但他偷东西却若无其事。 附注他偷的金首饰是我工作时自己的钱和我以前相恋多年的伴侣送的礼物。

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