投稿 #骗子 #小菲骗子#避雷
#小菲投稿 #骗子 #小菲骗子#避雷 帮被骗的小菲投稿 中国老公jiang zhen 小菲名字KIMBERLEY MANUAL 改名后是VINIANAJIANG 住址shorepasay 骗取小菲和中国人几百万p 有同样遭遇的,请说出你们的故事 Contribute for the Filipinos who were cheated Chinese husband : Jiang Zhen Filipino name : KIMBERLEY MANUAL Changed name to VINIANAJIANG Address:Shore Pasay Scammed Filipinos and Chinese out of millions of pesos If you have the same experience, please tell us your story

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