Happy 181st Anniversary of Founding of Hong Kong, the real birth

Happy 181st Anniversary of Founding of Hong Kong, the real birthday of Hong Kong, 26th of January. 谨贺香港开埠一百八十一周年、一月廿六号、香港真正生日。 9 years ago we started our first celebration for Hong Kong Day, and we make it our annually tradition. Over the past 9 years. we never stop on constructing a #desinocentrism perspective on Hongkong Studies. We believe Hongkongese people should and could take back the rights of interpretation on our own history and culture, and there would be the day we all shall see. 自九年前初次举办开埠庆典、随即成为每年传统、直至今日、我哋仍然坚持同一信念 为香港建构 #香港本位 香港文史研究。重夺自己嘅文史诠释权、由你、我、同各位香港人做起。坚持香港本位、拒绝中华史观。 Post by IG @museumofhk126 #happyhkday #hkday #FoundingDay #香港开埠日 #香港日 #开埠 #香港史



Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Sie

Rally for the 2nd Anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege” Marking the 2nd anniversary of the “Hong kong Universities Siege”, Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong will be Joint with Justitia Hong Kong to hold a rally in memorial of the incident and we would like to make use of art displays in this event to explain to the local community the the impact of this incident caused to Hongkongers, why hongkongers lost their trust in Hong Kong police force along side with reason behind why we continue fighting against the totalitarian government and the downfall of Hong Kong. Liverpool Stands with Hong Kong 将于「大学保卫战」事件2周年的日子联同暖气军师撑香港一同协办集会活动,并希望借着是次集会活动向英国当地市民解释香港人渐渐对香港警察更加不满的原因,并且解释香港抗争运动的原因,坚持的信念和理由。 Details as below 活动详情如下: Date 日期: 21 November 2021 (Sun) Time 时间: 1400-1600 Venue 地点: Church street, Liverpool Source: IG @liverpoolstandswithhk #liverpool #hongkonger #freedomfighter #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #liverpoolstandswithhk #battleofcuhk #siegeofpolyu #理大围城 #抗争两年



#hongkongfoundationday We call on all supporters of democracy across the world to mark Hong Kong Foundation Day on 26th January each year as a day to recognise the efforts and hardship undertaken by those promoting a brighter future for Hong Kong and to reaffirm our collective commitment to a free and democratic Hong Kong. Art by @thereforesheis Posted by @bauhiniasforfreedom #democracynow #freehongkong #standwithhongkong #revolutionofourtimes #FoundingDay #香港开埠 #开埠 #香港历史


Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47

Not Guilty Stand with Hong Kong 47 The "Hong Kong 47" are in urgent need of our support. Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed and cannot speak up in Hong Kong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom, we should stand out and speak for them. We need to stand up for their rights and show the world the unfairness of the Hong Kong government and the CCP. So we urge your support in this joint campaign with participating cities to stand for the politically persecuted "Hong Kong 47" and all other Hongkongers in jail or on trial. Full Version: #47人案 #初选大搜捕 #国安法 #未审先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #莫须有 #在英港人 #外国港人势力


"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May

"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May 20, 2023 - @vanactivistshk THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you! We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward. #香港抗争展 #温哥华 #展览 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人


Hong Kong used to be one of the freest cities in the WORLD.

Hong Kong used to be one of the freest cities in the WORLD. But in recent years, that has all changed. The brutal Chinese government’s goal is to bring Hong Kong under its TOTAL control. We must support Hongkongers and their struggle for freedom. by #EnesKanter twitter @EnesKanter #FreeHongKong #FreedomShoes #光复香港 #NBA #SayNotToChina #StandWithHongKong #波士顿塞尔特人 #BostonCeltics


31st January 2021: Hong Kong BNO Visa launched.

31st January 2021: Hong Kong BNO Visa launched. Two years on, we're proud to have helped over 144,500 Hong Kongers start new lives here in the UK. Posted by Home Office #BNOVisa #BNO #移民 #移民潮 #UK #救生艇

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