101活动 - 101 Shames of China 中共的101道黑
101活动 - 101 Shames of China 中共的101道黑 Last Saturday was the 73rd year establishment of Peoples Republic of China. China has been weaponising globalisation and posing threat of our times. The parliament petition which is a UK joint action among 19 participating groups in corresponding countries is circulated. It will begin to pressure the government and reexamine the relationships with China. There were more than 470 signatures we have collected yesterday. We are very grateful to all your support in upholding freedom and human rights. 藉著中共成立73周年,我们反思及制止其全球渗透。是此活动,我们与其他18个英国城市组织连线,共同发起国会联署,望可监察并停止中共所带来的全球威胁。昨日成功收集到多于470联署签名,多谢大家踊跃参与。 Credit: IG @nottsstandwithhk #Nottingham #UK #贺佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天灭中共全党死清光 #SayNoToMIC

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