Article 23: Hong Kong passes tough security law

Article 23: Hong Kong passes tough security law Hong Kong has passed a tough security law which authorities say is necessary for stability, but which critics fear will further erode civil liberties. When we are witnessing the murder of HK by China and did nothing, the next is us. Art by @badiucao 巴丢草 #23条 #廿三条 #叛国罪 #境外干预罪 #窃取国家机密 #间谍行为 #灭声 #一言堂



Two years of Hong Kong's national security law - explained in da

Two years of Hong Kong's national security law - explained in data Hong Kong has seen almost 200 national security law arrests, with many denied bail, over the past two years. What happened to the city's leading civil society figures, and top news outlets? HKFP explains with data. In full: #新闻自由 #国安法 #AppleDaily #StandNews #FreedomOfPress #NationalSecurityLaw #立场新闻 #苹果新闻 #47人案 #初选大搜捕


A new national Hong Kong security law toughens repressive arsena

A new national Hong Kong security law toughens repressive arsenal. Undemocratic China is really taking over. Just a matter of time. Art by @mwcartoons #23条 #廿三条 #Article23 #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP


【Hong Kong Policy Act Report 2023】

【Hong Kong Policy Act Report 2023】 Last Friday, the State Department released its annual Hong Kong Policy Act Report. The report, which covers political changes in Hong Kong from April 2022 through January 2023, concludes that Beijing has used the National Security Law (NSL) to severely curtail freedoms in Hong Kong. Supplementing this research on political prosecutions and the rule of law, the US Consulate in Hong Kong is also maintaining a database of NSL-related arrests, which can be accessed here: Posted by #US #香港政策法 #打压人权 #消失的民主自由 #国安法 #政治犯 #以言入罪 #荒谬法治


Hong Kong is turning into a “city of fear” where “open discussio

Hong Kong is turning into a “city of fear” where “open discussion is stifled” and the national security legislation “effectively acts as a trip wire for all journalists,” the International Federation of Journalists wrote in its latest report. Full story on HKFP. File photo: Studio Incendo. Post by HKFP @hongkongfp #立场新闻 #众新闻 #苹果日报 #新闻自由 #政治打压 #国安法


Hong Kong 47 Democrats’ National Security case first brought to

Hong Kong 47 Democrats’ National Security case first brought to court in March last year, defendants included barrister & ex-legislator Alvin Yeung, barrister & ex-elected councillor Lawrence Lau, and prominent legal scholar Benny Tai. According to documents seen by AFP, Secretary of Justice ordered a non-jury trial for the case, which will be the second NSL case tried without jury. The preparatory hearings will be conducted before a panel of 3 designated judges in September and November. 香港民主派初选47人国安法案件于去年3月首度提堂,被告包括大律师、前立法会议员杨岳桥;大律师、前区议员刘伟聪;及法律学者戴耀廷。根据AFP所阅文件,律政司司长指示此案不设陪审团,并将于9及11月由3名指定法官开展准备聆讯。此案将为继唐英杰案后第二宗无陪审团的国安法案件。 Posted by @the29principles #47人案 #律政司 #串谋颠覆国家政权 #陪审团 #国安法 #法治沦丧 #欲加之罪 #以言入罪 #莫须有


The Hong Kong government proposed the following new measures tha

The Hong Kong government proposed the following new measures that help with officers «handling work of safeguarding national security being doxxed or harassed» #BasicLaw #Article23 #廿三条 #境外干预罪 #窃取国家机密 Posted by @the29principles

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