6.12 三藩市终灵馆见

6.12 三藩市终灵馆见 今年联合不同国家的人一齐反 June 12th, 2019 was a changing point of anti-extradition revolution. 5 years after, Hong Kong's political situation is getting worse;and the authorities becomes more and more aggressive. Please have everyone join us to say NO to CCP China on June 12th (Wednesday ) at San Francisco Chinese Consulate 1450 Laguna St, San Francisco, CA 94115 IG @ushongkongersclub #US #SanFrancisco #反送中5周年 #反送中 #毋忘抗争 #毋忘2019



6.12 DMV Action Day

6.12 DMV Action Day On June 12, the 3rd anniversary of the start of mass protests in Hong Kong, DC4HK will organize a DMV Action Day and hand out flyers at the Lincoln Memorial. The flyers will update on Hong Kong’s dire political situation and include actions items for individuals to take to continue supporting Hong Kong. Please join us in taking action, and creating a much-needed change for our bothers and sisters back home. Date: June 12th (Sunday) ⏰Time: 1PM - 2:30PM Venue: Lincoln Memorial Source: #反送中三周年 #US #washington


反送中三周年:2019年6月16日 • 二百万零一人大游行

反送中三周年:2019年6月16日 • 二百万零一人大游行 Third Anniversary of the Anti-Extradition Movement: Two Million and One Protesters on June 16, 2019 Post on IG @hkdc.us Full article: #二百万加一 #616大游行 #勿忘初衷 #毋忘初心 #拒绝麻木#neverforget #neverforgive



香港人自由之路,承传记忆,延续抗争 Road to Freedom : Remember and resist! 6.16 2019 大革命 5 周年 集会 5th Anniversary of the Anti-Extradition Law Protest Time: June 16, 2024 (Sun) 1pm Location: City Hall Sheffield S1 2GQ #UK #Sheffield #反送中5周年 #反送中 #毋忘抗争 #毋忘2019


#612三周年 #Australia #Brisbane

#612三周年 #Australia #Brisbane Venue: Reddacliff Place, Brisbane Date: 12/6/2022 Time: 4:30pm-6pm 六一二 · 如水再聚 · 莫失莫忘 · 澳洲布里斯本 June 12th - Be Water, Be United Rally @Brisbane, Australia 今个星期日 (六月十二日) HKIA Brisbane 将会举办 六一二 「如水再聚 ,莫失莫忘」集会,纪念反送中运动三周年,延续抗争运动,对抗极权。 The HKIA Brisbane will be organising a rally this Sunday (June 12th, 2022) to commemorate the 3rd year anniversary of the anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong, and to show unity against the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. 详情: Source: IG @hkiabrisbane


毋忘612  香港人集会

毋忘612  香港人集会 一息尚存 抗争到底 Remembering 612 Hongkongers’ rally Fight until the last breath #612三周年 #集会 #UK #Wales Date: 12th June 2022 (Sunday) Time: 4pm Venue: Senedd, Pierhead St, Cardiff CF99 1SN 2019年6月12日,是每个拥抱自由民主价值的香港人,不能忘记的重要日子。透过「记忆」、「聆听」、「反思」,让我们重新凝聚,共同寻索香港的未来。 12th June 2019 is a significant day that every Hongkonger who embraces the values of freedom and democracy never forget. Through "remembering", "listening", and "reflecting", let us reunite and explore the future of Hong Kong together. 欢迎所有爱好自由民主、及关心香港的人一同参加! All people who embrace freedom and democracy and care about Hong Kong are welcome to join us! Source:


6.12 五周年:香港人以催泪弹炼成的民族

6.12 五周年:香港人以催泪弹炼成的民族 5th Anniversary of the June 12 Protest: Hong Kong, A Nation Forged by Tear Gas 2019 年 6 月 12 日清晨,万人响应大三罢,包围政府总部,力阻送中恶法二读。 下午三时,抗争者冲入立法会示威区,警察发射橡胶子弹和催泪弹,毒烟随即冲天而起,宣告港共政权铁腕镇压。 五年前的革命,我们尚未得胜,却在苦难中共情,民族之魂业已觉醒。 倘若我们忘记历史,任由血与泪的记忆凋谢零落,那么,民族就没有未来。 Posted by @standwithhk_ #反送中 #毋忘抗争 #反送中5周年 #毋忘2019 #PoliceBrutality

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