#MXRouteNews: No new customers from China

#MXRoute News: No new customers from China Somehow we've managed to attract thousands of this single customer: 1. Can't enter accurate account information 2. Lives in China 3. Opens support ticket asking for help with it As the most constant factor we can use to isolate this trend is China, that's where the line is being drawn. We're tired of fraudulent orders, we do not provide service to people named Seymour Butts, Cook Poo, Fuq Mei, or anyone who lives in Alabama, China. Stop. Go away. src:



Anthony Albanese hits back on China’s four demands to rebuild re

Anthony Albanese hits back on China’s four demands to rebuild relationship.He has warned China he won’t be taking orders after Beijing issued four demands to “get the relationship on track”. China‘s 4 demands on AUS: First, stick to regarding China as a partner rather than a rival. Second, stick to the way we get along with each other, which features seeking common ground while reserving differences. Third, stick to not targeting any third party or being controlled by any third party. Fourth, stick to building positive and pragmatic social foundations and public support. designer @badiucao #humanrights #freespeech #australia #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottCCP


Important update - Global Detwin with China Campaign

Important update - Global Detwin with China Campaign 全球断绝中共姊妹城市联合行动重要更新! 自2022年7月1日发起全球断绝中共姊妹城市联合行动,我们现正式发布官方网站及社交媒体, 以提供更全面的资讯及更新予公众及传媒。我们亦继续邀请全球更多组织和人仕加入,以断绝民间与中共的外交关系为目标,杯葛这个邪恶政权。 Following the announcement of the "Sever sister city relationships with China Campaign" (Global Detwin with China Campaign) on 1 July 2022, we are officially launching our website and social media to provide more detailed insight into this campaign. Hereby, we continue to invite more groups and individuals to join our call to terminate twin relationships with the brutal Chinese regime. Website: IG @globaldetwinwithchina FB: Twitter: @DetwinChina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反极权 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP


#小菲投稿 #骗子This couple robbed 100 people and ran away with the mon

#小菲投稿 #骗子 This couple robbed 100 people and ran away with the money worth a millions pesos. there is a money reward for anyone who can tell where this couple is. this is they last message to us we asking for pay out then she messaged us this then later on they could not be contacted and found at their house. 译:这对夫妇抢劫了100人,并带着价值100万比索的钱逃跑了。任何能说出这对夫妇在哪里的人都会得到金钱奖励。 这是他们给我们的最后一条消息,我们要求付款,然后她给我们发了这条消息,后来就无法联系到他们,也无法在他们家找到他们。 https://t.me/MeiGuiSheQuA 【 投稿爆料 】商务专线:@MeiGui890


Vermilion Strike: Linux and Windows Re-implementation of Cobalt

Vermilion Strike: Linux and Windows Re-implementation of Cobalt Strike Key Findings -Discovered Linux & Windows re-implementation of Cobalt Strike Beacon written from scratch -Linux malware is fully undetected by vendors -Has IoC and technical overlaps with previously discovered Windows DLL files -Highly targeted with victims including telecommunications, government and finance Cobalt Strike is a popular red team tool for Windows which is also heavily used by threat actors. At the time of this writing, there is no official Cobalt Strike version for Linux. In August 2021, we at Intezer discovered a fully undetected ELF implementation of Cobalt Strike’s beacon, which we named Vermilion Strike. The stealthy sample uses Cobalt Strike’s Command and Control (C2) protocol when communicating to the C2 server and has Remote Access capabilities such as uploading files, running shell commands and writing to files. The malware is fully undetected in VirusTotal at the time of this writing and was uploaded from Malaysia. Based on telemetry with collaboration from our partners at McAfee Enterprise ATR, this Linux threat has been active in the wild since August targeting telecom companies, government agencies, IT companies, financial institutions and advisory companies around the world. Targeting has been limited in scope, suggesting that this malware is used in specific attacks rather than mass spreading. After further analysis, we found Windows samples that use the same C2. The samples are re-implementations of Cobalt Strike Beacon. The Windows and ELF samples share the same functionalities. The sophistication of this threat, its intent to conduct espionage, and the fact that the code hasn’t been seen before in other attacks, together with the fact that it targets specific entities in the wild, leads us to believe that this threat was developed by a skilled threat actor. In this post we will provide a technical analysis of the samples and explain how you can detect and respond to this threat. Samples: #vermilionstrike #cobaltstrike #windows #linux


#小菲投稿 #渣男 #曾耀聪 beware of this man hes from china hes my ex boyfr

#小菲投稿 #渣男 #曾耀聪 beware of this man hes from china hes my ex boyfriend since 2021 and we broke up 2022 this boys is so playboy and he always with so many different girls everynight, everyone know where he is please tell him dont ever go here in philippines ever again. he hurt my feelings when where lovers. i hate him so much. dont accept this chinese shit man. thank you. all he give he wanted to pay him back lol. you deserve what you got now loser. 翻译:当心这个男人,他来自中国,他是我 2021 年的前男友,我们于 2022 年分手,这个男孩太花花公子了,他每晚总是和很多不同的女孩在一起,每个人都知道他在哪里,请告诉他永远不要再去菲律宾了。当我和情人在一起时,他伤害了我的感情。我非常恨他。不要接受这个中国混蛋男人。谢谢。他付出的一切他都想回报他哈哈。你活该,失败者。

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