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Funny Videos & GIFs. No Matter what language you speak. This channel will make You Laugh. Contact = @cloudflare If you have Some Gifs or Videos then to Share to Group:- @Memes_comedy Ads:-


@TrendingPairs_Bot V4 is here

@TrendingPairs_Bot V4 is here What's new? INTRODUCING SAFEGUARD BUY BOT We've designed Safeguard buy bot to be by far the most convenient, best option there is for devs all within the same bot! To add a token to your group, type /add Fastest Speed Safeguard notifies your group of a buy within 3 seconds of the block being finished. Faster than any other options (See comparison above) Fully customizable Everything is customizable within /settings. Our buybot currently has 3 layouts you can use in your groups with much more and complete customization on the way Whale alerts Get alerted when a large wallet buys your token with their wallet value being added to the buy NO ADS When buy bot is active in your group there will be completely 0 ads. We don't believe your group should have other projects advertised inside of it, we are an anti-spam bot after all Setup the buy bot in your group with the command /add ... Much more stuff is coming very shortly ~@TrendingPairs_Bot


I'm separating some videos and I'll post them here on the Channe

I'm separating some videos and I'll post them here on the Channel! Today's videos are about female masturbation, which is actually one of the most beautiful things in this world, do you agree?


I held a meeting with the heads of our intelligence, Main Intell

I held a meeting with the heads of our intelligence, Main Intelligence Directorate and Foreign Intelligence Service, as well as with our diplomats on the situation in and around Israel and on the overall situation in the Middle East. According to the available information – a very clear one – Russia is interested in triggering a war in the Middle East, so that a new source of pain and suffering could undermine world unity, increase discord and contradictions, and thus help Russia destroy freedom in Europe. We see Russian propagandists gloating. We see Moscow's Iranian friends openly supporting those who attacked Israel... And all of this is a much greater threat than the world currently perceives. The world wars of the past started with local aggressions... We know how to counter this threat. We are preparing appropriate steps. And most importantly, we are defending the need for maximum unity in the world. I thank everyone in the world who has the courage to call a spade a spade and defend life and the rules-based order! Glory to Ukraine!


How Do You Know When a System Has Failed?

How Do You Know When a System Has Failed? Open QuestionsWe see broken systems all around us. At least, we think we do.By Joshua RothmanJanuary 14, 2025Illustration by Josie NortonAt some point in the…… - 电报频道 - #娟姐新闻: @juanjienews


The entire world witnessed allied action in the skies above Isra

The entire world witnessed allied action in the skies above Israel and neighboring countries. It demonstrated how truly effective unity in defending against terror can be when it is based on sufficient political will. Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Jordan acted together and with maximum efficiency. Together, they prevented terror from prevailing. And they are working together, and in coordination with others, to prevent further escalation. Israel is not a NATO member, so no action, such as triggering Article 5, was required. And no one was dragged into the war. They simply contributed to the protection of human life. "Shaheds" in the skies above Ukraine sound identical to those over the Middle East. The impact of ballistic missiles, if they are not intercepted, is the same everywhere. European skies could have received the same level of protection long ago if Ukraine had received similar full support from its partners in intercepting drones and missiles. Terror must be defeated completely and everywhere, not more in some places and less in others. I thank everyone in the world, every leader and state, who truly assists us with air defense and missiles necessary to protect our skies, as well as training our pilots on F-16s. All of this already works and will continue to work to save lives. However, we can now see how unity can work truly hundred percent, and how almost a hundred percent of “Shaheds” and missiles can be intercepted. We will discuss it with our partners.

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