#全网曝光#网友爆料 #小偷 # #吃瓜

#全网曝光#网友爆料 #小偷 #曝光 #吃瓜 他在逃离公司之前拿走了我 4000 泰铢。这件事发生在 1 月底之前,但我给了他足够的时间归还我的钱。 然而,他至今没有还我,还拉黑了我的电话,彻底断了联系。 这不仅仅是因为我想要回这笔钱,更重要的是,我讨厌这种欺骗行为。 He took my money of B4000 before he ran away from the company. This incident happened before the end of January, but I gave him plenty of time to return my money, but he has not returned it to me yet and has blocked my phone and cut off contact It's not just because I want this money 's about me not liking this kind of trickery 点击订阅《全网华人曝光吧》 欢迎投稿爆料:@Nezha0000000



#网友曝光这个人 一月份月底前 这个人从公司跑回之前 从我这里借了 4000泰铢。我给他很多时间 来还我 但是他把我拉黑了 ,电

#网友曝光这个人 一月份月底前 这个人从公司跑回之前 从我这里借了 4000泰铢。我给他很多时间 来还我 但是他把我拉黑了 ,电话也打不通 He took my money of B4000 before he ran away from the company. This incident happened before the end of January, but I gave him plenty of time to return my money, but he has not returned it to me yet and has blocked my phone and cut off contact It's not just because I want this money 's about me not liking this kind of trickery 欢迎订阅 @dny88 投稿/广告 @slslyy


#网友投稿 A scammer

#网友投稿 A scammer TG: @choushabifucku TG Channel: Wechat: Richpoor- Huang, Wen 黄文 Location: The rRise Makati This person scam me for a little money, he said he want to buy food and groceries and borrow me mo ey. I tried to get back my money and he lies about him getting scam and now he blocked me and told me he isn't afraid of of getting exposed. He will ask you to play your socks first before he pays back your money but I refused. In tge end he blocked me on all sociap media platform and I can't reach him anymore. He have a second hand store, he also scam people buying from it, he will ask payment first then he won't send any items because it was a fake channel. Please be wary of this person because he also said that he gets positive on an HIV test 骗子 TG: TG频道: 微信:Richpoor- 姓名: Huang, Wen#黄文 地点: #马卡蒂rRise 这个人骗了我一点钱,他说他想买食物和杂货,借我钱。我试图拿回我的钱,他谎称自己被骗了,现在他把我拉黑了,还说他不怕被揭穿。 他会要求你先玩袜子,然后再还钱,但我拒绝了。最后,他在所有社交媒体平台上屏蔽了我,我再也联系不上他了。 他有一家二手店,他也欺骗从那里买东西的人,他会先要求付款,然后他不会发送任何物品,因为这是一个虚假渠道。 请警惕此人,因为他还说他的艾滋病毒检测呈阳性


#网友爆料 #小菲投稿 #曝光 #吃瓜

#网友爆料 #小菲投稿 #曝光 #吃瓜 hello I want to exposure this Filipino immigration scammer agent, she said has good relationship in immigration, but he never finish the things now hiding, please be caution about her. here is her phone number 09515131670 09505521330 and  gotyme account 018803085803 maya account 09515131670 你好,我想揭露这个菲律宾移民骗子代理,她说她在移民局有很好的关系,但他从来没有完成现在隐藏的事情,请小心她。


#全网曝光 #小菲投稿 #林锦平

#全网曝光 #小菲投稿 #林锦平 my ex husband . his wanted here in Philippines . file case Attempted homicide and An ti violence against women and children act. now He will now hide in Thailand, when he is done he will stab me in the head, arms and legs.  because He didn't accept that I left him.I put up with him for four years, but he always hurt me and pushed me against the wall every time he came home drunk.   even in front of His daughter He hurts me.  He has no mercy on me. he's crazy , he's evil ! no Mercy on her wife 翻译:我的前夫。他在菲律宾被通缉。立案谋杀未遂和反对针对妇女和儿童的暴力行为。现在他会躲在泰国,当他做完事后,他会刺伤我的头、胳膊和腿。因为他不接受我离开他。我忍受了他四年,但他总是伤害我,每次他醉醺醺地回家,他都会把我推到墙上。甚至在他女儿面前,他也伤害我。他对我没有怜悯之心。 他疯了,他很邪恶!对她的妻子毫不留情 点击订阅《全网华人曝光吧》 欢迎投稿爆料:@Nezha0000000


菲投稿 #妓女 #小偷

#小菲投稿 #妓女 #小偷 this Filipina girl is a prostitute in Pasay Now My husband has a wound on the cock he is hurting the cock Now you are disgusting avoid this woman she is sick.there is an infectious disease You are not ashamed you even stole my jewelry rings and necklaces as well as my make up you even took one of my cabinets from the toilet avoid this prostitute 翻译:这个菲律宾女孩是帕赛的妓女现在我丈夫的鸡巴上有伤口他正在伤害鸡巴现在你真恶心避开这个女人她病了。有一种传染病你不感到羞耻你甚至偷了我的珠宝戒指和项链以及我的化妆品你甚至从厕所拿走了我的一个柜子避开这个妓女 频道广告赞助商 4⃣ 投稿曝光广告联系 @tougaonbbot



#全网曝光#群友投稿 这个女人已经结婚了,并且有个马来西亚老公,他老公在马来西亚 这女的就在菲律宾天天跟不同男人做爱 我刚和他在一起的时候 跟我说没有男朋友没有老公 结果玩了两个月,后面又找了好几个男的去她家里做爱,他那个马来西亚老公也是傻逼 自己被偷家了 还傻傻每个月寄钱去菲律宾 你老婆拿你的钱养其他男人你知道吗 傻瓜马来西亚人,这个女人找的其中一个男的中国人也是个狗逼,有自己孩子不去养 还到处说自己多可怜!这女的已经很滥交了,他的马来西亚老公帽子也带了好几个了 还傻傻不知道!有谁也操过这女的出来分享一下,让她这个马来西亚老公知道他老婆多滥交 ps:想告诉那个马来西亚人,你老婆就是个妓女 This woman is married, and has a Malaysian husband, his husband is in Malaysia This woman is in the Philippines every day with different men make love, When I was just with her 2month she told me that she had no boyfriend and no husband As a result, I played for two months, and then found several men to go to her house for sex, and his Malaysian husband was also stupid He was stolen and stupidly sent money to the Philippines every month Your wife uses your money to support other men, do you know ?fool Malaysian, One of the male Chinese people this woman is also a dog, who has his own children and does not raise them, and he goes around saying how pitiful he is! This woman is already very promiscuous, and his Malaysian husband has several hats and still doesn't know stupidly! Has anyone this woman come out and share it, so that her Malaysian husband knows how promiscuous his wife is 点击订阅《全网华人曝光吧》 欢迎投稿爆料:@Nezha0000000

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