WANTED !!!!!

WANTED !!!!! TO ANYONE WHO CAN GIVE THE CURRENT LOCATION OF THIS PERSON NAMED " ANGEL MARCOS CARATAO" aka KYOTO WILL BE REWARDED 50,000 php . He stole the money from our office amounting to 500,000 PHP .He also stole clients and transfer the money to her sister's bankaccount .He also uses his personal number to scam . To all HR and Bosses , Please be more cautious . This person is dangerous and a Thief. 任何能够提供这个名为“ANGEL MARCOS CARATAO”(又名 KYOTO)的人的当前位置的人将获得 50,000 php 的奖励。他从我们办公室偷了50万菲律宾比索的钱。他还偷了客户并将钱转入她姐姐的银行账户。他还使用他的个人号码进行诈骗。各位HR和老板们,请更加谨慎。此人很危险,是个小偷。



#网友投稿#避坑 WANTED !!!!!

#网友投稿#避坑 WANTED !!!!! TO ANYONE WHO CAN GIVE THE CURRENT LOCATION OF THIS PERSON NAMED " ANGEL MARCOS CARATAO" aka KYOTO WILL BE REWARDED 50,000 php . He stole the money from our office amounting to 500,000 PHP .He also stole clients and transfer the money to her sister's bankaccount .He also uses his personal number to scam . To all HR and Bosses , Please be more cautious . This person is dangerous and a Thief. 任何能够提供这个名为“ANGEL MARCOS CARATAO”(又名 KYOTO)的人的当前位置的人将获得 50,000 php 的。他从我们办公室偷了50万菲律宾比索的钱。他还偷了客户并将钱转入她姐姐的银行账户。他还使用他的个人号码进行诈骗。各位HR和老板们,请更加谨慎。此人很危险,是个小偷。 点击订阅今日聚焦曝光频道   投稿爆料:@jx586


#网友投稿#避坑 WANTED !!!!!

#网友投稿#避坑 WANTED !!!!! TO ANYONE WHO CAN GIVE THE CURRENT LOCATION OF THIS PERSON NAMED " ANGEL MARCOS CARATAO" aka KYOTO WILL BE REWARDED 50,000 php . He stole the money from our office amounting to 500,000 PHP .He also stole clients and transfer the money to her sister's bankaccount .He also uses his personal number to scam . To all HR and Bosses , Please be more cautious . This person is dangerous and a Thief. 任何能够提供这个名为“ANGEL MARCOS CARATAO”(又名 KYOTO)的人的当前位置的人将获得 50,000 php 的。他从我们办公室偷了50万菲律宾比索的钱。他还偷了客户并将钱转入她姐姐的银行账户。他还使用他的个人号码进行诈骗。各位HR和老板们,请更加谨慎。此人很危险,是个小偷。 点击订阅东南亚全网曝光频道   投稿爆料:@dx5898


#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱

#菲妹 曝光 #马来 渣男偷钱 This guy stole money to me be careful with him he work in double dragon and he dont want to get back my money he always drinking in intro zzyz dream stage in matrix pretending to have money and stole other money to have fun he stole my 100k , 这家伙偷了我的钱,要小心他,他在双截龙工作,他不想拿回我的钱,他总是在黑客帝国的介绍 zzyz 梦想阶段喝酒,假装有钱,偷其他钱来取乐,他偷了我的 10 万p 点击订阅今日聚焦曝光频道   投稿爆料:@jx586


#群友投稿#偷钱I reported this person for stealing clients' money. He o

#群友投稿#偷钱 I reported this person for stealing clients' money. He often went to each company he worked for for a period of time, stole clients' information, and stole clients' money. This despicable and hateful behavior created a bad working environment among colleagues. So please pay attention to this person, Chinese bosses. This has caused serious impact on your company. 我举报了这个人偷客户的钱,他经常在一段时间内去他工作的每个公司,偷客户的信息,偷客户的钱。这种卑鄙可恶的行为在同事中造成了不好的工作环境。所以请各位中国老板们注意这个人。这给贵公司造成了严重的影响。


#小菲来稿Please expose this person in Philippines. This name is Yuha

#小菲来稿 Please expose this person in Philippines. This name is Yuhang. I expose him before saying that he wants to arranged girls and let the girls drunk and he will sleep with them. This person is bad and liar tell all women that he have money and will raise you give you a 30,000 allowance but the truth he will find excuses not to give the girl allowance even he promised already. This SB man also always cry always tell he is pitful but he is in people nearby everyday. He is scammer. I know a lot of chinese know him because a lot of people messaged me saying they know this guy is stingy no money but he likes to pretend. Everyone please be careful with this guy he always acting he is pitful to deceive girls he like to acting that girls cheats him. But a lot of girls know him said he is playboy. Today someone message me and me his photo maybe someone angry him 频道合作赞助方 东南亚最大USDT线上赌场强势来袭 点击订阅东南亚全网曝光频道  t.me/+MSynVy60w\_RmYjNk 投稿爆料:@dx5898


#小菲来稿Please expose this person in Philippines. This name is Yuha

#小菲来稿 Please expose this person in Philippines. This name is Yuhang. I expose him before saying that he wants to arranged girls and let the girls drunk and he will sleep with them. This person is bad and liar tell all women that he have money and will raise you give you a 30,000 allowance but the truth he will find excuses not to give the girl allowance even he promised already. This SB man also always cry always tell he is pitful but he is in people nearby everyday. He is scammer. I know a lot of chinese know him because a lot of people messaged me saying they know this guy is stingy no money but he likes to pretend. Everyone please be careful with this guy he always acting he is pitful to deceive girls he like to acting that girls cheats him. But a lot of girls know him said he is playboy. Today someone message me and me his photo maybe someone angry him 频道合作赞助方 东南亚最大USDT线上赌场+强势来袭 点击订阅今日聚焦曝光频道   t.me/+ajf9Ctn9TapiMTI1 投稿爆料:@jx586

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