Demonstrators gather again today in Shangh on Urumqi Street.

Demonstrators gather again today in Shanghai on Urumqi Street. Large numbers of police are deployed in Shanghai to disperse the demonstration. Several protesters were arrested. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest



A large number of police officers are deployed in the Haizhu dis

A large number of police officers are deployed in the Haizhu district of Guangdong, China, to quell a protest against lockdown. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy


Chinese police are searching people's mobile phones checking tha

Chinese police are searching people's mobile phones checking that they don't have VPNs or Telegrams used by the protesters to gather. The situation has been calm since yesterday with a strong police presence to prevent further gatherings. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Chinese authorities are deploying large numbers of police to que

Chinese authorities are deploying large numbers of police to quell riots at the Zhengzhou iPhone factory against the tight restrictions. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest


Residents protest against restrictions in Guangzhou, China, in t

Residents protest against restrictions in Guangzhou, China, in the Haizhu district. Large numbers of police were deployed to quell the protest with the use of tear gas. 如果您错过了: 《抵制催泪瓦斯和橡皮子弹》 《了解防暴弹药,以及如何保护自己》 《如何处理枪伤》 #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest 【提示】任何时候,请不要假设镇压没有成本。成本永远都存在,虽然它可能小也可能大,随局势变动 行动者现在就是“局势”的重要部分!。行动者的战略部署需要能够将镇压成本抬至最高,就可以尽可能保护所有人的安全。 #tips


Two foreigners were arrested in Shanghai when police came to dis

Two foreigners were arrested in Shanghai when police came to disperse a crowded street on Halloween weekend. I don't know the full altercation since I was across the street, but 上海公安 need to deescalate better, and it didn't have to end like this. Apparently some guys thought it was a fun idea to dress up as Dabai for Halloween and promptly got in trouble with Shanghai police. #上海 网友 #投稿 #万圣节 有老外COS大白,被警察按地上带走了。 涉嫌辱华,社会主义铁拳砸向老外! 外国护照也不能豁免了,不要拿维也纳公约当挡箭牌!


A demonstration broke out in a confined area of the Haizhu distr

A demonstration broke out in a confined area of the Haizhu district of Guangzhou, China. Iron bars and barriers were thrown at the police. #China #ZeroCovidPolicy #protest

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