Adam Whitcroft

Adam Whitcroft Fun with curled pages. >>How do you make it? Pop a “curve” modifier on a plane and select a bezier curve as the “curve object” in the modifier options. I can make a little video of it.



RT Adam Pearce

RT Adam Pearce Do Machine Learning Models Memorize or Generalize? An interactive introduction to grokking and mechanistic interpretability w/ @ghandeharioun, @nadamused_, @Nithum, @wattenberg and @iislucas


【Adam Cochran:与YFI同类的DeFi项目正在转向veToken模型】

【Adam Cochran:与YFI同类的DeFi项目正在转向veToken模型】 1月2日消息,Cinneamhain Ventures合伙人Adam Cochran发推表示,许多像BAL和YFI这样的DeFi项目已经明确表示正在转向veToken模型。 Curve的利润将转移到具有类似代币经济或类似历史的项目中。考虑到生态系统已经并将继续拥有的财富创造水平,这是一个巨大的转变。


在引起巨大争议之后,云服务器主机 Vultr 从服务条款中删除用户数据所有权相关条款

在引起巨大争议之后,云服务器主机 Vultr 从服务条款中删除用户数据所有权相关条款 We're very focused on being responsive to the community and the concerns people have and we believe the strongest thing we can do to demonstrate that there is no bad intent here is to remove it.


Looking for resource sharing groups~

Looking for resource sharing groups~ Recently, we have been kicked out or banned from many channels and groups when we shared the video resources we uploaded. Some people will download our videos and upload them themselves and then make them their own. But we don’t let others forward and share it. Maybe they are also making money from these resources. Our original intention is very simple, just to share the video with the people we like. All resources on the Internet are shared, and you can find them anywhere. The videos and resources you want to watch, so if you have a channel and need resources to share, you can send the channel or group link message to @kyle520dodo We are happy to share our resources to every channel ~ Finally, thank you everyone for your support~


Dear developer,

Dear developer, Telegram continues to grow worldwide, in part thanks to your third-party app. If your app is built from your own code, you'll need to make two changes so your users can keep chatting. If you are using the up-to-date open source code for one of our apps, these changes have already been made. Support for int64 IDs With its rapid growth, Telegram is moving from 32-bit to 64-bit IDs so that users can continue creating billions of groups, channels and bots. Your app will need to support these new IDs as soon as possible to ensure users aren't interrupted. To do so, make sure your app supports this API layer: Sponsored Messages To cover its growing infrastructure costs, Telegram added sponsored messages – a paid, privacy-friendly way to promote bots and channels. We are happy to see support for this has already been added across the majority of third-party apps. We ask that you make sure that these sponsored messages are supported and properly displayed in your app by January 1, 2022. Unfortunately, Telegram cannot financially sustain apps that support Telegram Channels but do not display official sponsored messages – such apps will have to be disconnected. The necessary methods for this change are available here: You can read more about sponsored messages here: Telegram's API usage will continue to be free of charge for all developers. We're counting on your understanding and support so that Telegram and your app can continue to offer private, secure messaging to people around the world. The Telegram Team


21 days until the bloody (literally) Beijing Olympics!

21 days until the bloody (literally) Beijing Olympics! While little can be done by stopping the game from happening now, do check out theand our friends @wethehongkongersand @students4hk because the fight for democracy doesn't end with the Olympics. TG @internationalfccp IG @internationalfuckccp Twitter @MenSuen #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奥 #杯葛2022北京冬奥 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中营 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光复香港

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