
Rules: no spam, no porn, no gore,no gambling ,no smoking Users chatting on group and commenting on posts are required to stay on-topic and use chinese. You can contact support or brag chat @paocai1




mod发布区禁止闲聊与问答,违者禁言or踢出群。 分享mod时最好标注好作者名和来源,标上标签方便搜寻。 对作者的尊重就是对mod社区的支持。 如果你介意他人搬运你的mod,可以联系该分享者或管理员进行删除。 如果发现倒卖者或盗狗,也可联系管理员踢出。 mod release topic prohibit chat and Q&A, violators get banned or kick out. When sharing mods, it is best to Write AUTHOR's NAME And SOURCE, and add #CharacterName for easy search. Respect for the author is support for the mod community . If you mind others sharing your mod, you can contact the sharer or administrator to remove it If you find a fraudulent reseller or thief, you can also contact the administrator to kick out.


You can also share your telegram contact to @get_id_bot to revea

You can also share your telegram contact to @get_id_bot to reveal their chat_id or forward a message, or send file or sticker to get their file ID If you have any question, feel free to contact get_id_bot creator on channel @fredykardianchannel To support get_id_bot follow this Instagram @fredy_kardian Check out this Telegram Bot Web App step by step ! Need a customized Telegram Bot ? contact me on my Instagram I stand with Palestine #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #GazaUnderAttack


Pokémon TaiwanGO 交流区

Taiwanese Pokémon GO chat. (UTC+08) Mnly Chinese, can use English. Spoofer & Multi-code will mute/ban. 本群禁止飞人与多帐/多代码。 Read Group Rules Plz. 加入群组代表已审阅版规并同意遵守,违反者依情节轻重有禁言、删文、封锁等措施: @TwanGO_Regulation (appeal) 资讯区 (Channel): @TWPMGO


IP Addresses

IP Addresses We've gotten multiple DMs asking why Telegram says Safeguard can access your IP - Safeguard uses Telegram web apps to verify, since you're connecting to an external server Telegram gives this warning, however Safeguard does not collect this information. Captcha We use Cloudflare's turnstile captcha which is the most private option for users when it comes to captchas. You can read more info about this on their official website here V2.02 has also just launched, featuring a few QOL Changes and bug fixes V2.1 has launched Turnstile overhaul - We got multiple reports of Turnstile captcha not working for some users and the error isn't documented by Cloudflare. Because of this we temporarily overhauled the captcha until issue is resolved QOL Changes - Service messages are now auto deleted to not clog your chat - Even better antirai Safeguard V2.2 has launched Whats new? - Welcome messages revamped + You are now able to completely customize your welcome messages. Check the post above this to learn how. + Old welcome messages are now automatically deleted once a new user joins to not clog your chat - Multiple antiraid improvements + We've improved our AI in the antiraid to be even better at detecting certain types of attacks + Antiraid hard mode has new additional security features when users join - Too many small bug fixes and QOL Changes to count - Safeguard Advertisements + Are you a project owner and want to work with Safeguard? We offer the most efficient and targetted ads you can get for your project! Contact @ETHSOLTRENDING to discuss more details. + All projects will be vetted beforehand, we do not tolerate scams ~ V2.22 has launched Bug Fixes - Users with "&" in their names wouldnt be able to verify due to how we parsed the data. This is fixed - If a user spammed many times before antiraid picks it up Safeguard would spam chat saying they were muted. It now only says once and deletes other messages1


#重要 #Telegram

#重要 #Telegram 更新2:Telegram已更新bot封禁API: https://api.telegram.org/bot<bot token>/banChatSenderChat?chat_id=-100<群组id>&sender_chat_id=-100<频道id> 更新:Telegram服务端更新,现在群管理手动ban掉频道马甲后,该用户在该群内就无法使用任何频道马甲发言了 Once you ban a channel that user can't use any other channels and need to talk with their personal account Telegram 8.3的 Anonymous Posting in Public Groups 功能会被spam利用 且目前没有有效的解决方法(机器人也无法封禁),在官方更新修复之前,只能 • 暂时关闭频道和群的绑定,群转入私有 • 可使用 @bbrainybot 删除任何通过频道匿名发送的消息 @DocOfCard


@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.1 is here

@TrendingPairs_Bot V4.1 is here We're very happy to hear how everyone's liked the buy bot so far! Weve been hard at work improving the speed and reliability and today we're releasing two new never before seen features! - Full customizability Customize every single thing about your buy posts in /settings > Buy Layouts > Custom Layout Establishing a good theme for a token is very important and this can help give your Telegram a certain feel to it! Syntax isn't the most simple but we tried to make it as intuitive as possible, more guides will be coming out soon - Ignore Mev Transactions Is Jared clogging up your chat? Simply go to settings and turn on Ignore mev transactions! Any buys detected as a mev bot will be ignored and not posted in your group. This will get better as time passes, currently only the big mev bots are stopped at the door - Multiple Bug Fixes Most of these changes have been silent but we've fixed many bugs so far. If you see one, please report it to us Thank you to everyone for the support so far as we continue to make the buy bot & portal better and better ~@TrendingPairs_Bot

🔍 发送关键词来寻找群组、频道或视频。
