判刑前,邹幸彤在庭上以英语陈情,掷地作金石声,一开始就点出此案症结: "Your Worship, we know as a matter of fact that we are no foreign agent, and nothing has emerged in this year long ordeal that proves otherwise. To sentence us in such circumstances is about punishing people for defending the truth." 「法官阁下,我们确知自己不是外国代理人,即此经年累月的折磨,亦无法证明我们是。如此判刑,实无异于惩罚捍卫真相的人。 - 本案由始至终,都是真相与谎言之战,邹的陈情结尾讲得非常好,值得背诵: "Sir, sentence us for our insubordination if you must, but when the exercise of power is based on lies, being insubordinate is the only way to be human." 「阁下,若非要判刑不可,就对我们的不屈宣判吧。但面对奸诈弄权之徒,唯有不屈,我们才算是人。」 文/冯睎干十三维度 图/邹幸彤后援会 邹幸彤陈情书中英文全文(《独立媒体》): #不服从 #不认命 #邹幸彤 #国安处 #支联会 #ChowHangTung #打压异见 #毋忘六四 #国安法 #欲加之罪 #冤狱 #荒谬法治 #莫须有

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